Title: A Blast of Green
carpe_slytherinCharacters: Harry/Cedric
Rating/Warnings: PG. Very, very mild slashiness.
Word Count: 400
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling’s, not mine.
Summary: What if Harry had gotten between Cedric and Wormtail in the graveyard?
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Comments 6
Nicely done, hun :)
(::waves frantically at you::)
By the way, *pounce*
I thought you had vanished or something. Then I go to your lj after I see this and find that you're posting all the time, but the posts aren't showing up on my friend's page. And you're writing House! House! *purr* I've only seen it twice so far but I love it.
I'm gonna have to start checking your lj manually. Didn't this happen once before? Anyway, I'm glad you're all alive and still here and everything, even if your "absence" was all in my imagination.
:D The same thing was happening to me for quite a few of my flist, I thought everyone had found something new and exciting to play with but all the while it was just LJ, pfft!
And yes, House! Gods he's just adorable, in that snarcastic Severus-esque way, heh. (If you need eps btw I can send you them!)
How have you been though darling? I've missed you lots!
Things are pretty good for me at the moment, other than the complete bleakness that was your absense from my life. Quiet. Healthy. Remarkably sane. At least as far as any of those things can apply to me.
I've developed a Hex habit and asked my husband for my very own demon for my birthday. He's... not enthusiastic about my chances. Getting back to writing and all those things I used to do before I fell into some mental black hole a couple months ago. It's good to be back.
How are you doing? I really have missed you dreadfully.
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