Author: florahart Title: Untitled Pairing: Moody/Kingsley Challenge: We few, we happy few, we band of brothers/For he to-day that sheds his blood with me/Shall be my brother -Shakespeare, St Crispian's Day speech (Henry V)
What a very interesting presentation of the information in the original drabble! Taking straight off from the last line into the hopelessness, the stuck-for-eternity, feel of the original play. You underline that isolation by fiddling with how the characters are perceived - completely separated, with artificial personae, however clearly they communicate with each other. Congratulations. (Now I'm wondering how closely the stage directions mirror the action of Godot - it's a long time since I read, or saw, it.)
To be honest, it's been awhile since I have read or seen Godot either. But every time I read the drabble, I got an image of two men sitting under a tree, waiting an answer.
Comments 4
To be honest, it's been awhile since I have read or seen Godot either. But every time I read the drabble, I got an image of two men sitting under a tree, waiting an answer.
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