Author: belleweather Title: Untitled Pairing: Padma/Parvati Theme: You'll say it looks as though I might give up this fight.--Never is a Promise, Fiona Apple
Dude, I don't know what I would have done if given this pairing, because it's not a pair of characters I think about very often. Thus I suspect you're not likely to get much feedback as a result, but I would just like to say I think that is DEFINITELY a tragedy, because you two both managed to create worlds of depth with your challenge. Really, wonderful jobs, and you've both made me look at these characters in a wholly new light. Great work!
I like the way the fic has woven a new story into the interstices of the drabble - that's what I like best about remixes, when they create something altogether new but still recognizable from the source! Cleverly done.
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