Title: Catch you Author: Dawn (dawns56) (mndlvd@aol.com) Pairing: Flich/Snape Challenge: I don't care what you think unless it is about me - Nirvana, Drain You Word count: 205
Squee! I love your Severus, ntamara. Love him. The explanations at the end were brilliant! Thank you - you made this pairing sweet, something that is in my humble opinion a far greater achievement than making it hot :)
I'm having difficulty shifting Dumbledore from my head actually *boggles* There is a novel length fic struggling to be born, and since I just got made redundant (about an hour ago), I might make a start on it inbetween fics...
(Oh, and if you think you are getting away with that ridiculous idea of not writing much in future, I have to tell you I am plotting to persuade you otherwise *g*)
Comments 17
Well done.
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(Oh, and if you think you are getting away with that ridiculous idea of not writing much in future, I have to tell you I am plotting to persuade you otherwise *g*)
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