Title: Catch you Author: Dawn (dawns56) (mndlvd@aol.com) Pairing: Flich/Snape Challenge: I don't care what you think unless it is about me - Nirvana, Drain You Word count: 205
Brilliant! I read it, even though it was snilch, and it was brilliant!
*is slightly stunned*
Loved, loved the style you used, especially the mini-epilogue from the book (the lubricant *squee*), and the way that Filch is so clueless. That Snape chooses to court him so obscurely is hilarious, and well pulled off.
You did something really good with the drabble you were given, went in an entirely unexpected direction, and I worship you.
Fellow misanthropists trapped in Hogwarts castle by Dumbledore’s goodwill.
Absolutely wonderful! Snape/Filch is a pairing I really enjoy, and this may be the best story of the pairing I've read. Snape was perfect! The language of potions was inspired. Few people can make Filch likable, much less adorable.
Oh, dear me. That was brilliant! Never would have thought that I'd read a Snape/Filch to the end, but this was just so nice and witty that I kept on going. Oh, and I especially enjoyed that epilogue type of thingie:)
I can't believe I haven't friended you already, silly me. To be rectified!
Comments 17
*is slightly stunned*
Loved, loved the style you used, especially the mini-epilogue from the book (the lubricant *squee*), and the way that Filch is so clueless. That Snape chooses to court him so obscurely is hilarious, and well pulled off.
You did something really good with the drabble you were given, went in an entirely unexpected direction, and I worship you.
Fellow misanthropists trapped in Hogwarts castle by Dumbledore’s goodwill.
I love you. I love you with the love of a thousand slashy potions.
atdelphi pointed this out.
Oh frabjous day.
I can't believe I haven't friended you already, silly me. To be rectified!
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