Title: Untitled Author: randiriel Pairing: Harry/Draco Rated: PG Word Count: 205 Challenge: "Such civil war is in my love and hate" - Shakespeare, Sonnet XXXV
yeah, that's the tricky part. And at that point - when they start acting nice to each other - it is no longer canon in my view. :-) But I still love it!
You already know the things I like about it, I think, but it doesn't hurt to mention some of them again :-) I love the moment Harry realises Draco really is there, and that he is in this familiar scene of Muggle London, they both seem so out of place there now. I love the bitching between them, obviously ;-) Most of all I love the idea that Draco can't let go of the moment Harry acted on impulse and is still hounding him even though (with the mention of the lake and all) they were still at school then. Persistent little sod!
Comments 8
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Well, you know my feelings for this pairing. I just couldn't do it!
I'm glad you mentioned the line you did because that was one of the few I was pleased with :)
I had fun with the bitching! I'm glad you liked it too :)
Thanks for you comment. And for the beta *hugs* You're a star!
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