Title: True All the Same
alyxbradfordCharacter(s): Rowena, Salazar, Godric, Helga
Pairing: Rowena/Salazar
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: dubcon, mild bondage
Word Count: 5309
Author's Notes: Written for my first
7spells challenge, "if you wanted honesty". The title comes from "Dangerous Game", another song I should not be allowed to listen to repeatedly.
True All the Same )
Comments 10
Really, I hate commenting like this -- the sort of faux-inarticulate mumbling -- but I don't know how to express my pleasure with this fic yet. I haven't read much founder-fic, but this is just how I imagine it should be. And OMG the sex. Push all my buttons, why don't you.
*pushes buttons*
I love the characterization--how they each have elements of their house, but not too blatantly so. Your Godric particularly is spot-on, and your Salazar not far behind. I absolutely adore the power play that goes on between the two, as friends and enemies, and how you've woven it into such a short piece. I feel like this gives me far more insight into the founders than the length might suggest.
And your writing! Christ, your writing. It's so sensory, and your word choice is so phenomenal. A lot of sex writing will usually have one or two moments where things don't quite mesh together, but yours was near-seamless and I applaud you for it.
Paaaah. I love this. :)
Godric is SO Harry/James, Rowena so Adult!Luna!with-a-clue, Salazar *so* Snape!
<3 <3 <3
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