So this is my very first time @
hp_tarot . My little art is so pale before those wonderful pieces I’ve seen so far that I feel a little shy. I’d a very busy month and to be honest, I am not satisfied with the result of these three pieces.
Anyways, here it is:
Title: Ways
sweet_lemmonType: Art
Main character or Pairing: Harry, Hermione, Buckbeak (GEN);
Rating: G
Disclaimer:I do not own Harry Potter or its characters, and no money is being made off of this. Shocking, I know.
Warnings: None
Summary: Harry and Hermione riding Buckbeak in order to save Sirius.
Cards Drawn:8 of wands
Card Interpretation: Opportunity. Swift response. Thinking on one¹s feet. Opening. Adventure. Chance to make great progress if one has the courage and wits to act quickly. Travel entailing a spiritual lesson.
Artist Notes: I had some problems with this one. First I’d thought about something totally different but then changed my mind. Reading the card’s meaning/interpretation, I realized that the *rescuing Sirius* sequence was perfect. For Buckbeak, I used an old pic of mine as reference; and the wands are from
This Site. I wanted to show a clean art but not exactly clear, and this way represent the *action* itself: they know what they want (clean), but they aren’t sure if they will succeed (not clear).
Title: Half
sweet_lemmonType: Art
Main character or Pairing:George Weasley
Rating: Pg13
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters, and no money is being made off of this. Shocking, I know.
Warnings: Probably NWS. Bare Chest, implied nudity.
Summary: A George without Fred; therefore, incomplete.
Cards Drawn: 9 0f Pentacles
Card Interpretation: Achievement, Accomplishment, Material Comfort, Solitary Success, Solitary Wealth. We may pay a particular price for our success.
Artist Notes: Here I thought about a pos-war George Weasley. George reached some goals, and even some material fortune; however, not without loses. He is alive but part of him is gone forever.
You can notice that the *art* isn’t *perfect*, like George’s life. There’s gold, but there isn’t everything.
Title: Conclusions
sweet_lemmonType: Art
Main character or Pairing: Harry/Hermione
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or its characters, and no money is being made off of this. Shocking, I know.
Warnings: None, I think.
Summary: A new family.
Cards Drawn: 10 of Cups
Card Interpretation: Full heart. Blessings. Higher, mature love. True love. Real companionship. Dreams come true. Safety, security, and satisfaction. A giving relationship. Fruitful partnership. Deep connection. Joining of talents make for a powerful, creative force. Fortunate, natural pairing. Harmony.
Artist Notes: Time has passed and there’s a realization that an union isn’t only about passion and physical desires, but respect, friendship, companionship, and love.
Here I opted for a more *realistic* art. It is grey because nothing in life in black or white, we all have our problems and our moments of happiness; it isn’t colored because, sometimes, even the brightest color can fade with time.