Art - Nine of Swords

Feb 28, 2007 14:08

Title: Nine of Swords
Artist: naadi
Type: Art
Main character: HBP Draco/cabinet
Card: Nine of Swords
Card Interpretation: Worry, guilt and anguish. From Learning the Tarot: “The Nine of Swords represents the pain that we generate from within. What tortures we put ourselves through when our fears and doubts overwhelm us. Worry is probably the most common. Have I done enough? Will everything work out OK? What am I going to do? The thoughts go round and round - impossible to turn off. Guilt is another source of pain. When we have … failed to do something we think we should have - the distress can be very real. It is worse when nothing we do relieves the bad feelings or makes them go away. Finally, there is just pure anguish. Sometimes the pain of life is so total that all we feel like doing is crying into our hands.”
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, only borrowed for fun and no profit.
Warnings: none


Link to my journal for the full picture: (Nine of Swords)

by: naadi, card: nine of swords, g, round 1, art, draco

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