Let the fun begin!

Jun 21, 2010 16:01

Another season started and we are excited to announce the beginning of the Summer Themed Activity!! =D

Before we start, we ask you to please read the rules/instructions so we can all have an organized and polite fun ;)

1) You have two weeks to post your themed wishes as a response to the mods!post.

2) You cannot ask for a theme after the two weeks dedicated to that theme had passed. For example, you can't ask for a romance fic/art/icon during the dark themed fortnight.

3) However, you definitely can grant wishes of any theme whenever you want. As long as they are posted before September 21st, feel free to grant as many wishes as you want.

4) There's no limit to the number of wishes you can ask for.

5) You do not need to ask for a wish in order to fulfill other people's wishes. You also do not need to fulfill other people's wishes in order to make a wish yourself. However, it is encouraged for everyone to participate.

6) Any rating [G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17] is good to go. Just please make sure your work is correctly rated.

7) Fics must be at least 200 words. There's no maximum. Art and graphics should be of an equivalent quality to that.

8) In order to ask and/or grant any NC-17 rated wish, you must be at least 18 years old and an age statement should be somewhere on your profile page. Trust me, we'll be checking.

9) Any pairing --canon and non-canon-- is eligible as long as the main characters are part of the Harry Potter fandom. Character bashing will not be tolerated.

10) Your work should be posted in your own journal, not the community. Make sure you the entry is public and that it has the following header:
Granting wish for: (username of the wisher)
Theme: # and theme (eg. #1 - romance)
Rating: G, PG, PG-13, R or NC-17
Word count/Medium:

11) Links to the work should be posted as a reply to the wisher's comment with the following formatting:
Request: (fic, art, icon, wallpaper, etc)

12) A Master List of all the wishes granted will be posted by the mods before another theme is proposed.

13) The person granting more wishes will be the winner.

This is a rough draft of the schedule for this Summer. It's not a definite schedule so stay tuned for possible changes:

June 21st ~ Theme #1: Romance
June 21st to July 5th ~ Asking for 'romance' wishes. Granting wishes of said theme.
July 5th ~ Theme #2: Angst
July 5th to July 19th ~ Asking for 'angst' wishes. Granting wishes of romance and angst.
July 19th ~ Theme #3: Crack
July 19th to August 2nd ~ Asking for 'crack' wishes. Granting wishes of all themes suggested.
August 2nd ~ Theme #4: Family/Friendship (Gen)
August 2nd to August 16th ~ Asking for 'gen' wishes. Granting wishes of any previous theme.
August 16th ~ Theme #5: Dark
August 16th to August 30th ~ Asking for 'dark' wishes. Granting wishes of any theme.
August 30th ~ Theme # 6: Drama/Hurt&Comfort
August 30th to September 13th ~Asking for 'drama/hurt&comfort' wishes. Granting wishes of previous themes.
September 13th ~ Theme #7: Humour
September 13th to September 20th ~ Asking for 'humour' wishes. Granting wishes from any theme you want.
September 21st ~ Mods announce the WISH-GRANTING CHAMPION!!

*it may change; but don't worry, we'll let you know

Now, time to actually start with the party, don't you think?
In my country, Winter starts today; so help me stay warm, dears. Make me feel fuzzy inside with some romantic stories, okay?
Let's start with Romance!

Theme #1: Romance

To post your wishes concerning 'romance', reply to this post with the following:

Request: (fic/art/icon/wallpaper/other)

If you've grant a wish, reply to the wishers' comment with the following:

Request: (fic, art, icon, wallpaper, etc)

If you have any questions and/or suggestion, do not hesitate in contacting any of the mods :)
Happy Summer and let the competition begin!

.summer 2010 activity, !mod post

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