Sorry for the delay, guys. Busy life has been busy.
Congratulations to all of you for the awesome work of the first two weeks!
The Masterlist is up and you should all go and check the fantastic work everyone has done :)
Now, remember you cannot ask for romance wishes anymore, but you can fulfill romance wishes until the end of the summer :)
I know most of you are doing it for fun, but this is a competition. So, the scores so far are:
With 4 (four) points:
naturegirlrocksleigh_adamsWith 3 (thee) points:
silent_cassiastarstruck1986With 2 (two) points:
seraphimerisingmuseme87purelushWith 1 (one) point:
thepretender501 elainemalfoytania_singsroyalty25comicsbycateluvscharliegrander_fanficsdelayed_poetprayer_at_night Now, what you've all been waiting for:
Theme #2: Angst
To post your wishes concerning 'angst', reply to this post with the following:
Username:Request: (fic/art/icon/wallpaper/other)
Pairing:Prompt:Rating: If you've grant a wish, reply to the wishers' comment with the following:
Author/Artist:Request: (fic, art, icon, wallpaper, etc)
Prompt:Pairing:Rating:Link: Please, remember to check the rules and instructions.
Any questions/suggestions, don't hesitate in contacting me. :)
Now have fun and enjoy the angst!