I know this is short, really just a drabble. It's what I feel that Booth is thinking during the last segment of The Critic in the Cabernet. There are DEFINITE spoilers in here, so reader beware...
Title: Legacy
Rating: T
Genre: Drama/Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Brennan/Booth
Status: Complete
Spoilers: Through end of Season Four
Legacy )
Comments 18
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This is amazing <3 The obsessive fan girl in me died a little bit (in a very, very good way) when I read that. You captured Booth and his feelings perfectly. Excellent work!
Now, off to watch the 5x01 promo again for the 50th time this week....
I had the thought one day while I was at work that his driving panic at this point would be for her, that he wouldn't want her to be alone if he died. I almost bawled!
Thanks for reading, and for dropping me a line!
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