Trip to LA - Part 2 - Paleyfest Panel

May 02, 2012 01:14

Oh my Lord, Paleyfest!

After the events at The Grove, we all moved to Paley Center to stand in line to get into the Center. We met yet another Chinese girl (Jenny) there and while waiting, she asked “are you Jenny?” and I was all like “woaaaaaa, waaaaaaaaaaaht?!” inside but answered calmly, “yes.” She said she was from Livejournal and figured out that I was hpcool2003 from the POI Fic-Comm, LOL! Then we waited a bit more and out of the blue (yes, again), I saw a car that looks surprisingly like the one Michael got into back at The Grove and I said so to my fellow Irrelevants, Lo’ and behold, Michael comes out of the car, shook hands with a few people (probably Paley Center staff/crew) and went into the Center. Again, we were too shocked to do anything about it, but hey, I managed to get a picture of his back as he was walking away!

Then another car pulled up by the curb, Jonah and Greg arrived, said “hi” and Greg waved to Ella when she called out to them! Didn’t manage to take pictures of them though, people were blocking me :p.
Then a bigger van pulled up, Chappy! With, I’m assuming here, family members/friends? And obviously, our sneaky ninja Jim was already inside the Center (presumably).

We went in, said a teary goodbye to Ella as she went upstairs into the main theater (shaking fists) and we got ushered into the small closed-circuit room. After a few minutes, I decided to go to the bathroom, and on the way back “Holy-Molly” there he was, Jim Caviezel, in his badass sunshades and that pretty gray suit, walked by me (with bodyguards, or I would’ve jumped him), and went into the room right next to our small, cold, dark, crampy, closed-circuit room. As the door opened, I stood there and watch him and Michael (“You look good!”) greet each other and I was too shy to go in and say “hi” or anything, so I left and went back into my room.

Then we waited and waited and waited some more hoping that someone would come get us to the main theater, but alas, they had a full house. We met the wife and parents of one of the writer (Nick, who wrote ‘The Fix’ and ‘Wolf and Cub’) and we talked a little bit about the writing process and stuff like that. Then 1x21 came on and we laughed, ooooooooh-ed, gasped, omg-ed, you name it, and it was AWESOME!!!! Can’t wait til Thursday to re-watch it again.

The Q&A session is pretty much covered by the live-twitter feeds, so I won’t go into much detail on that. Jim was pretty funny, relaxed, animated, and awesome during the Q&A and even said a few Jesus jokes and did a few funny voices, so I’m sure he’ll do fine on The Talk (which I’ll have to figure out how to record it…).

Here are a few things that I remember from the Q&A:
  • Ella asked a question about the relationships between Fusco-Reese, and Fusco-Finch (and really, thanks for the shout-out! The people ‘oooooh-ed’ when you said we drove up from SD and one flew down from Vancuver!). Jim answered it with a simple “tough love” and Michael said that Finch isn’t too happy about Fusco working with them because it was never ‘part of the plan’ but, I forgot what he said exactly, but it was along the lines of ‘he’s useful, sometimes’. And we all LOL’d when Chappy shouted “You see what I have to deal with everyday at work!?” Chappy, so much love!
  • Jim did mention talking with Kiefer after the volcano erupted in Iceland, so they had a lot of time to talk and he said “a volcano got me this job”, he really is funny and awesome J
  • People also asked whether Jim and Michael have met before and how do they like working with each other. Jim answered “well, I know he (Michael) is a great actor and I know he knows I’m great too…” and he also said “I love him (Michael) *silence* but I can’t tell him that” insert lots of laughter here and Michael smiled and replied something along the lines of “we work it out”.
  • Another person asked something about the sexual tension between Jim and Paige Turco (Zoe) and whether she’ll be back again in the second season. Jim said “*clears throats loudly and shifts in chair* it’s above my pay grade”. Insert more laughter here.
  • When commented about how funny Jim was, he said we should all keep it quiet or he might be offered a new job in comedy, and he did all these gestures and cute facial expressions! I can’t even!
  • Jonah mentioned the Pepsi joke! OMG he stalks Tumblr!
  • They loved working with Enrico and would love to have Elias back in Season 2!
  • Someone asked that if they'll have a POI:LA or something like that, Jonah smiled but said nothing.
  • Michael imitated a guy with an Eastern Europe accent: "Michael Emerson, I love your show, etc" and Jim with his pilot beard and homeless looks grabbed him and said "not today" and the guy backed away in fear: "I didn't know Emerson has homeless guys as body guards".
  • Someone also asked whether Jim can now 'break people in halves' and he replied that he's been training with lots of people, but 'breaking people in halves' are completely and totally acting.
  • They also commented how hard it was to keep people from wondering into the filming process. People would constantly come up to them (and Jim did another impersonation and accent here) and say how they love the show, Jim would then say "thanks, and you're in it now". The person would then look around in confusion.
  • Michael did more impersonations and funny accents saying how people in Brighten beach was not at all happy with them filming there and Jim said (again with an accent) that one of them went up to him and said "Reese no shoot gun, I want to sleep!" but it was in the middle of the day and Jim said "I have no idea what she does at night *shrugs*".
  • Jonah has blooper reels locked in a secret locker.
  • Someone also asked whether Jim wants Reese to have more action scenes or romance scenes, Jim replied "Hey, they could have a Judo girl as a POI that will kick my axx".

I’ll post more if I think of anything else…

Anyways, so at the end of the panel, those of us in the closed-circuit room rushed up into the main theater for pictures and autographs but there were already waaaaay too many people squeezed in front of them, so I mainly just took pictures of them and tried to ask for an autograph on my WOP from Jim, but he was already heading out, better luck next time L

poi, michael emerson, jim caviezel

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