Yay for new layout!!
I finally had the time to create a whole new layout. Kind of Christmas-y, looking back on it, but oh well. It's still wintertime. ;) And if anyone has some nice patterns that I could use for the background, I'd appreciate that, because the blue is so plain. x___x
I've never been so hooked on a dead character before, but I
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Comments 5
I'm Haley.
And I was totes looking under the interest "big gay dance off", and under the list, your journal title was bare.
So I'm assuming you already know what bare is. And have fallen madly and deeply and wonderfully in love.
I swear to god, I had a point to this message, and it wasn't being really weird creepy/stalkerish like I think I've come across as.
But anywho, my deep sneaky point that I was trying to fit under my other point that seems to have disappeared is you seem kind of kickass. You like Chyan and you like RENT, so really, life=complete.
Can I friend you? :)
You kick ass!
Anywho, I'm Kristen, and of course you can add me. :D Bare, HSM, RENT. <3 Love them all. Queer As Folk, Scrubs, Narnia. XD I always find slash in shows, movies, books...
I have so many fandoms.
I'm actually recently grounded and banned from LJ, so I'm not on here much, aside from when I sneak on, but if you're patient and can wait for my long replies, then of course you can add me, and I'll return the favor. :]
Much love!
xx Kristen
I'm also totally not allowed to be on livejournal, (my mom decided it was unsafe in like.. December), but I have a computer in my room. She can't do that much damage.
And my mom blocked it completely from my laptop Dx
But oh well. Stupid parents.
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