Call for participants!
Hpequality is a community dedicated to raising money and awareness for issues involving equality. Currently, money raised will be going to fight California’s Prop 8 but additional issues may be added. The community will be a gift for donation system with set levels of "donation" for each gift. Please see our user_info for more information including organizations accepting donations.
Additionally, we will have monthly Community Fics where donors can vote on authors, pairings and prompts.
This should be lots of fun and we are open to suggestions! Comments and Questions can go to
snarkyscorp or
nolagal Authors, Artists, and anything else you have to offer!
This is the sign-up sheet to participate. You may offer as much or as little as you like. Please ensure that you will be able to deliver what you offer within a reasonable time (3 months). A set amount will be assigned for fics, anything else you will need to assign a monetary value. There will not be a bidding system, strictly donation only.
To making an offering: Comment below and fill out the form. Once your offering is purchased, the details will be worked out between you and the donor. If your gift is not claimed during a week, it will roll-over. If at any time you need to withdraw a gift, contact
snarkyscorp To Claim a prize: Twice weekly, a post will go out announcing the participants and offerings. A list of organizations to donate will be posted and donations will be made directly to those organizations then donors will contact
snarkyscorp to claim their prize.
Please follow the form below for participation:
Name/LJ: Email: Offering(s) (if it is not a fic or art, please indicate a monetary value) Quantity Item Time needed to complete (note max time is 3 months) * * * Kinks/clichés/things/pairings you'll gladly write/draw: Squicks/clichés/things/pairings you won't touch with a ten foot pole: Highest rating you will write/draw:(you must be 18 to write/draw R or NC-17) Other important information about your offering
Quantity Item Time needed to complete (max time 3mos)
*10 100 word drabbles 2 weeks
*5 500 word drabbles 2 weeks
*5 1000 word fics 2 weeks
*1 5000 word fic 1 month
*1 Mosiac Mirror 10” by 10” in choice of HP house colors- $25 2 months
Kinks/clichés/things/pairings you’ll gladly write/draw: All pairings, prefer next-gen, cross-gen slash but will do my best on any pairing.
Squicks/clichés/things/pairings you won’t touch with a ten foot pole: Heavy BDSM, Scat, waterplay, chan (under 15), non-con (dub-con fine), blood play, bestiality
Highest rating you will write/draw:(you must be 18 to write/draw R or NC-17) NC-17
Other important information about your offering: I can email pictures of similar mirrors.
Thanks so much for your participation. Please PIMP this community everywhere you can!!
Banner for Pimpage, artwork by aurora_sky" _fcksavedurl="">" _fcksavedurl="">