Aug 24, 2006 00:45
‘Harry was going to be most displeased when he returned,’ thought Severus morosely. Harry had gone to visit the Weasleys for a week to fawn over the newest litter of never ending babies. Severus was quite glad that he would be retiring before the next generation of red heads swarmed the castle of Hogwarts to begin their student careers.
The dark Slytherin berated himself for losing his train of thought. One look at the sitting room table reminded him of his transgressions.
‘I should have paid more attention to the house elves; they invariably get into trouble in the dungeons without strict supervision. Really, I could have taken small breaks from my research. Harry is going to make me sleep on the couch, and I am, though loath to admit it to him, too old to sleep there.’ Deep into his self-castigation of guilt, Severus failed to hear the sound of the portrait door closing, nor the footsteps of one Harry Potter headed towards the sitting room.
“Hey Sev, how are…what in the hell happened to my cactus?” demanded Harry.
“I’m quite sure I wouldn’t know,” hedged Severus.
“Oh, I’m sure you would. You specifically told me that you would keep an eye on it and make sure it wasn’t over watered.”
“So I did. I fail to see how this could possibly be attributed to me.”
“It exploded. How can you not see bits of cactus on the table, furniture, walls, and ceiling?”
“Hmm, I had wondered why the walls had green spots, I hoped it wasn’t mould.”
“Severus Snape, don’t you dare act like an idiot. You and I both know you are not and never will be one. You cannot pull off Dumbledore’s trick of acting like a barmy old coot.”
“You got caught up in your research and didn’t keep tabs on Dobby, did you?”
“And you didn’t bother to check upon the plant until today, thinking it would be fine on its own?”
“So you panicked. And instead of asking Professor Sprout for a similar cactus, you stood there, contemplating whether or not I would make you sleep on the couch for this offense?”
“Have Dobby clean up the cactus guts and come to bed. I’ve missed you while I was away.”
“I do believe I misheard you?”
“Come to bed, love. I’ve been surrounded by children for the past week, and I miss your particular brand of company.”
“Right, well then.” Summoning Dobby, Severus left him to clean, as he hastily followed his forgiving lover into their bedroom.