Title: First Time Together Author: theladyfeylene Pairing: Rolanda Hooch/Minerva McGonagall Rating: R Summary: The first time with a new partner isn't always smooth sailing....
Title: Too Long Denied Word Count: 100 Rating: R for incest implications? Challenge: First Time Characters: Bellatrix/Narcissa Notes: My first femmeslash drabble.. a little nervous. But this is partially inspired by and thus dedicated to the loverly theladyfeylene for all her encouragement. ;)
Title: Power Word Count: 100 Rating: PG Challenge: First Time Characters: Bellatrix/Narcissa Notes: May or may not be chan, depending on how much older Bellatrix is. If she is, in fact, older. Pretend she is.
Just the one for the moment as my brain seems to have died. And...uh...for the record, this isn't a pairing I've read or am even sure I like so yeah...o.O
Title: Lessons Word Count: 100 Rating: G Challenge: First Time Characters: Hermione/Ginny