Title: Seven Ways to Die Trying
Pairing: Remus/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Lives are lost but loves are found as years go by in the war against Lord Voldemort.
Warnings: Oh jeez do I kill characters like whoah, but only by mention (there’s no gory bits). Mention of other pairings. A significant age difference, if that is a warning?
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Comments 2
You've managed to do so many things that I love in fic, and it's sort of killing - how they don't find the bodies of so many of the fallen, because it's almost worse when they're not there; how important things happen in quiet moments that almost nobody sees; how Remus is so insecure; the wit and the pain and the sexiness and the sadness and the utter loveliness of it all...
There are so many beautifully lines that I want to quote, but there are too many to quote them all.
Though, "Hermione, I barfed, I'm going to bed" did make me laugh out loud. :)
This is a really well-written fic, and is definitely going in my memories. ♥
And ohhhhh my friend used the barfing line on me once so I can't quite take full credit for it! ;)
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