Title: Seven Miles From the Sun
Pairing: Pansy/Hermione
Words: 150
Rating: R
Notes: Written as a replacement fic for
bruno_greengras who, coincidentally enough, wrote the ficlet that I had requested. Pansy/Hermione, prompt word 'wand,' any rating. This is what I came up with. Beta'd by the oh-so-wonderful-and-patient
green_fairy_, whom I could only pay back in cookies. Hope
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Comments 3
Interesting powerplay between Hermione and Pansy - and that's the it has to be done, I think; neither of these girls would give up the power to the other voluntarily.
Made me a bit curious...have you written more Hermione/Pansy? I'd like to read it if you have.
Thanks for stepping in and giving me this little gem. ;)
So glad you enjoyed it! :D
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