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Comments 4

kaalee August 16 2004, 23:10:24 UTC
This is what I was trying to say in the OTHER COMMENTS section:

I wonder if it would be helpful (although more work for mods) to send an email to people a few days to a week before their chapter is due. Most people check their email every day, but may miss a reminder post on their flist if they're only skimming or such.

I'd be happy to help with reminders or such. :D

I love this community. <33333333333333333333333333333


saffronlie August 16 2004, 23:12:35 UTC
My answer on changes was too long for the poll! I think deadlines are necessary too, but the whole posting order shouldn't be held up if someone hasn't posted their chapter. Maybe there should be a system such as, if after two or three days (allowing for timezone differences) a person hasn't posted their chapter, they get a reminder, and maybe asked if they can still do it or would allow a reserve to take the chapter. Then, if after a week or whatever timeframe is agreeable to all, the chapter hasn't been done, pass it on to a reserve. In the interim, the later chapters can still be posted. I think it's okay to get things out of order, as long as we're not waiting months for the crucial chapter of the one book or something, you know?


chaneen August 18 2004, 07:11:37 UTC
I couldn't fit this all in the poll, so I thought I'd comment.

I didn't answer the "if someone doesn't post their chapter" question, because I didn't really like either of the choices. I sort of feel like the chapters should be in order, but I don't really like the idea of penalizing the person who didn't post on time in case there was a legitimate reason (beyond laziness of course!).

My suggestion would be that if someone doesn't post their chapter when it's due, e-mail them a reminder (or do this a few days before it's due) and if they don't respond or post within a set amount of time, replace them, and put them at the end of the reserve queue in case they really did want to do a chapter but forgot, were out of town and forgot to pass their chapter on, had an emergency, etc. E-mail contact is better, since many people don't check their friends list every day, and I know when I am away from LJ for an extended period of time, I generally don't catch up on communities on my return.


sorcressgrey September 28 2004, 18:03:59 UTC
Agree with what everyone else has said re: e-mails, etc. I think if you just re-post revised dates (and maybe assign reserve readers to each?) that'll get the ball rolling again. I recorded my chapter in the spring and just got the software to make it listenable (my roommate had a really soft microphone!), so Chapter 13 of PoA is raring to go, just give me a date! Keep it up, guys!


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