Bertie Bott’s® Hundred Sapphic Flavour Beans 100 drabble/doodle challenge with the theme: The Vintage
001.EmbarrassedMinerva McGonagall/Irma Pince051.PrioritiesMinerva McGonagall/Pomona Sprout
002.IntrustionsIrma Pince/Pomona Sprout052.FiveMinerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch
003.RespondingIrma Pince/Rolanda Hooch053.AnywherePomona Sprout/Rolanda Hooch
004.AmnesiacMinerva McGonagall/Molly Weasley054.AppliedIrma Pince/Molly Weasley
005.AftershockPomona Sprout/Molly Weasley055.DeadbeatRolanda Hooch/Molly Weasley
006.AccountableMinerva McGonagall/Narcissa Malfoy056.PredatoryIrma Pince/Narcissa Malfoy
007.TeenPomona Sprout/Narcissa Malfoy057.FearlessRolanda Hooch/Narcissa Malfoy
008.ExcitementMolly Weasley/Narcissa Malfoy058.CreatorMinerva McGonagall/Bellatrix Lestrange
009.SteelIrma Pince/Bellatrix Lestrange059.LovePomona Sprout/Bellatrix Lestrange
010.BubblesRolanda Hooch/Bellatrix Lestrange060.MythologyMolly Weasley/Bellatrix Lestrange
011.FamilyNarcissa Malfoy/Bellatrix Lestrange061.LoyaltyMinerva McGonagall/Rita Skeeter
012.FruitIrma Pince/Rita Skeeter062.BooksPomona Sprout/Rita Skeeter
013.AmbushRolanda Hooch/Rita Skeeter063.LuminousMolly Weasley/Rita Skeeter
014.ConsumingNarcissa Malfoy/Rita Skeeter064.HorrifyingBellatrix Lestrange/Rita Skeeter
015.DebtMinerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey065.Ice CreamIrma Pince/Poppy Pomfrey
016.DoctorPomona Sprout/Poppy Pomfrey066.DesireRolanda Hooch/Poppy Pomfrey
017.EmberMolly Weasley/Poppy Pomfrey067.NightNarcissa Malfoy/Poppy Pomfrey
018.DayBellatrix Lestrange/Poppy Pomfrey068.LightRita Skeeter/Poppy Pomfrey
019.DarkMinerva McGonagall/Andromeda Tonks069.HotIrma Pince/Andromeda Tonks
020.ColdPomona Sprout/Andromeda Tonks070.SickRolanda Hooch/Andromeda Tonks
021.TiredMolly Weasley/Andromeda Tonks071.LifeNarcissa Malfoy/Andromeda Tonks
022.ShiverBellatrix Lestrange/Andromeda Tonks072.EnjoymentRita Skeeter/Andromeda Tonks
023.HalloweenPoppy Pomfrey/Andromeda Tonks073.HowlingMinerva McGonagall/Sybill Trelawney
024.GhostIrma Pince/Sybill Trelawney074.DreamPomona Sprout/Sybill Trelawney
025.MuscularRolanda Hooch/Sybill Trelawney075.DiplomaticMolly Weasley/Sybill Trelawney
026.RoughNarcissa Malfoy/Sybill Trelawney076.SoftBellatrix Lestrange/Sybill Trelawney
027.GentleRita Skeeter/Sybill Trelawney077.HarshPoppy Pomfrey/Sybill Trelawney
028.ShinyAndromeda Tonks/Sybill Trelawney078.DullMinerva McGonagall/Lily Evans
029.PicnicIrma Pince/Lily Evans079.LumosPomona Sprout/Lily Evans
030.VeritaserumRolanda Hooch/Lily Evans080.TransfigurationMolly Weasley/Lily Evans
031.DefenseNarcissa Malfoy/Lily Evans081.CastleBellatrix Lestrange/Lily Evans
032.LakeRita Skeeter/Lily Evans082.TreesPoppy Pomfrey/Lily Evans
033.TowerAndromeda Tonks/Lily Evans083.TallSybill Trelawney/Lily Evans
034.FlyingMinerva McGonagall/Aurora Sinistra084.GamesIrma Pince/Aurora Sinistra
035.BirthdayPomona Sprout/Aurora Sinistra085.LeprechaunRolanda Hooch/Aurora Sinistra
036.LuckMolly Weasley/Aurora Sinistra086.SeerNarcissa Malfoy/Aurora Sinistra
037.Valentine’s DayBellatrix Lestrange/Aurora Sinistra087.NewRita Skeeter/Aurora Sinistra
038.OldPoppy Pomfrey/Aurora Sinistra088.BlinkAndromeda Tonks/Aurora Sinistra
039.DespairSybill Trelawney/Aurora Sinistra089.TimeLily Evans/Aurora Sinistra
040.”You never learn.”Minerva McGonagall/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank090.ImpatientIrma Pince/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank
041.ChristmasPomona Sprout/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank091.UnicornRolanda Hooch/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank
042.ReserveMolly Weasley/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank092.VintageNarcissa Malfoy/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank
043.DragonsBellatrix Lestrange/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank093.ThestralRita Skeeter/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank
044.SleepPoppy Pomfrey/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank094.”Stay.”Andromeda Tonks/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank
045.LoathingSybill Trelawney/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank095.EvilLily Evans/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank
046.FearAurora Sinistra/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank096.BattleCreator’s Choice
047.AudacityCreator’s Choice097.CommonCreator’s Choice
048.TruthCreator’s Choice098.JusticeCreator’s Choice
049.ConfrontationCreator’s Choice099.MisconceptionCreator’s Choice
050.AccidentCreator’s Choice100.FreefallCreator’s Choice" target="_blank">Bertie Bott’s® Hundred Sapphic Flavour Beans 100 drabble/doodle challenge with the theme: The Vintage
001. | Embarrassed | Minerva McGonagall/Irma Pince | | 051. | Priorities | Minerva McGonagall/Pomona Sprout |
002. | Intrustions | Irma Pince/Pomona Sprout | | 052. | Five | Minerva McGonagall/Rolanda Hooch |
003. | Responding | Irma Pince/Rolanda Hooch | | 053. | Anywhere | Pomona Sprout/Rolanda Hooch |
004. | Amnesiac | Minerva McGonagall/Molly Weasley | | 054. | Applied | Irma Pince/Molly Weasley |
005. | Aftershock | Pomona Sprout/Molly Weasley | | 055. | Deadbeat | Rolanda Hooch/Molly Weasley |
006. | Accountable | Minerva McGonagall/Narcissa Malfoy | | 056. | Predatory | Irma Pince/Narcissa Malfoy |
007. | Teen | Pomona Sprout/Narcissa Malfoy | | 057. | Fearless | Rolanda Hooch/Narcissa Malfoy |
008. | Excitement | Molly Weasley/Narcissa Malfoy | | 058. | Creator | Minerva McGonagall/Bellatrix Lestrange |
009. | Steel | Irma Pince/Bellatrix Lestrange | | 059. | Love | Pomona Sprout/Bellatrix Lestrange |
010. | Bubbles | Rolanda Hooch/Bellatrix Lestrange | | 060. | Mythology | Molly Weasley/Bellatrix Lestrange |
011. | Family | Narcissa Malfoy/Bellatrix Lestrange | | 061. | Loyalty | Minerva McGonagall/Rita Skeeter |
012. | Fruit | Irma Pince/Rita Skeeter | | 062. | Books | Pomona Sprout/Rita Skeeter |
013. | Ambush | Rolanda Hooch/Rita Skeeter | | 063. | Luminous | Molly Weasley/Rita Skeeter |
014. | Consuming | Narcissa Malfoy/Rita Skeeter | | 064. | Horrifying | Bellatrix Lestrange/Rita Skeeter |
015. | Debt | Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey | | 065. | Ice Cream | Irma Pince/Poppy Pomfrey |
016. | Doctor | Pomona Sprout/Poppy Pomfrey | | 066. | Desire | Rolanda Hooch/Poppy Pomfrey |
017. | Ember | Molly Weasley/Poppy Pomfrey | | 067. | Night | Narcissa Malfoy/Poppy Pomfrey |
018. | Day | Bellatrix Lestrange/Poppy Pomfrey | | 068. | Light | Rita Skeeter/Poppy Pomfrey |
019. | Dark | Minerva McGonagall/Andromeda Tonks | | 069. | Hot | Irma Pince/Andromeda Tonks |
020. | Cold | Pomona Sprout/Andromeda Tonks | | 070. | Sick | Rolanda Hooch/Andromeda Tonks |
021. | Tired | Molly Weasley/Andromeda Tonks | | 071. | Life | Narcissa Malfoy/Andromeda Tonks |
022. | Shiver | Bellatrix Lestrange/Andromeda Tonks | | 072. | Enjoyment | Rita Skeeter/Andromeda Tonks |
023. | Halloween | Poppy Pomfrey/Andromeda Tonks | | 073. | Howling | Minerva McGonagall/Sybill Trelawney |
024. | Ghost | Irma Pince/Sybill Trelawney | | 074. | Dream | Pomona Sprout/Sybill Trelawney |
025. | Muscular | Rolanda Hooch/Sybill Trelawney | | 075. | Diplomatic | Molly Weasley/Sybill Trelawney |
026. | Rough | Narcissa Malfoy/Sybill Trelawney | | 076. | Soft | Bellatrix Lestrange/Sybill Trelawney |
027. | Gentle | Rita Skeeter/Sybill Trelawney | | 077. | Harsh | Poppy Pomfrey/Sybill Trelawney |
028. | Shiny | Andromeda Tonks/Sybill Trelawney | | 078. | Dull | Minerva McGonagall/Lily Evans |
029. | Picnic | Irma Pince/Lily Evans | | 079. | Lumos | Pomona Sprout/Lily Evans |
030. | Veritaserum | Rolanda Hooch/Lily Evans | | 080. | Transfiguration | Molly Weasley/Lily Evans |
031. | Defense | Narcissa Malfoy/Lily Evans | | 081. | Castle | Bellatrix Lestrange/Lily Evans |
032. | Lake | Rita Skeeter/Lily Evans | | 082. | Trees | Poppy Pomfrey/Lily Evans |
033. | Tower | Andromeda Tonks/Lily Evans | | 083. | Tall | Sybill Trelawney/Lily Evans |
034. | Flying | Minerva McGonagall/Aurora Sinistra | | 084. | Games | Irma Pince/Aurora Sinistra |
035. | Birthday | Pomona Sprout/Aurora Sinistra | | 085. | Leprechaun | Rolanda Hooch/Aurora Sinistra |
036. | Luck | Molly Weasley/Aurora Sinistra | | 086. | Seer | Narcissa Malfoy/Aurora Sinistra |
037. | Valentine’s Day | Bellatrix Lestrange/Aurora Sinistra | | 087. | New | Rita Skeeter/Aurora Sinistra |
038. | Old | Poppy Pomfrey/Aurora Sinistra | | 088. | Blink | Andromeda Tonks/Aurora Sinistra |
039. | Despair | Sybill Trelawney/Aurora Sinistra | | 089. | Time | Lily Evans/Aurora Sinistra |
040. | ”You never learn.” | Minerva McGonagall/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank | | 090. | Impatient | Irma Pince/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank |
041. | Christmas | Pomona Sprout/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank | | 091. | Unicorn | Rolanda Hooch/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank |
042. | Reserve | Molly Weasley/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank | | 092. | Vintage | Narcissa Malfoy/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank |
043. | Dragons | Bellatrix Lestrange/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank | | 093. | Thestral | Rita Skeeter/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank |
044. | Sleep | Poppy Pomfrey/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank | | 094. | ”Stay.” | Andromeda Tonks/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank |
045. | Loathing | Sybill Trelawney/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank | | 095. | Evil | Lily Evans/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank |
046. | Fear | Aurora Sinistra/Wilhemina Grubby-Plank | | 096. | Battle | Creator’s Choice |
047. | Audacity | Creator’s Choice | | 097. | Common | Creator’s Choice |
048. | Truth | Creator’s Choice | | 098. | Justice | Creator’s Choice |
049. | Confrontation | Creator’s Choice | | 099. | Misconception | Creator’s Choice |
050. | Accident | Creator’s Choice | | 100. | Freefall | Creator’s Choice |