Title: A League of their Own
violetfishy Rating: PG
Word Count(for fic): 707
Characters/Pairing: Ginny/Luna
Warnings: (if any) None
Author/Artist's Notes: I hope you enjoy this :D I had a lot of fun writing it ♥
Summary: "I have never been in love," Ginny hears herself saying, "But I can write a love poem."
"I have never been in love," Ginny hears herself saying, "But I can write a love poem."
It was a challenge, really, as she faced down squarely against the oddest opponent she'd had to date. Luna Lovegood, a girl with a wispy build that wasn't so much frail as slanted and eyes that weren't so much slanted as overly large and overly observant. Maybe Luna saw too much, which was why she continuously spoke in weird phrases and with weird words and said weird things. Ginny didn't know, but sometimes she felt insignificant, standing next to such a slanted, weird girl. Sometimes Ginny found herself hanging on Luna's every word, and sometimes she wanted to scream in frustration for no reason.
"...I can write a love poem as well," Luna counters, voice disinterested in the subject. Despite any sort of normalcy their conversation is having she continues to keep her dreamy state. It's a certain sort of poise which Ginny envies about Luna. She is always feminine, always herself, but there's a certain hardness to Luna too. The way she can turn her nose down at people or look the other way. Sometimes her knowledge cuts too deep to be just observation.
They are playing a variant of the oldest game in the world. Only Luna never tries to outdo Ginny, she just smiles and nods and counters with a flat "...as well."
It drives Ginny up the wall.
"I'm going to make someone love me," Ginny says, almost bitterly. She's been not-in-love for years now. She's grown tired of trying to be shy and grown tired of older boys teasing her. She just wants to stand on her tiptoes and steal a kiss and smile. It'll be like the books, she tells herself.
Then Luna changes the game. Her hands fold over themselves, like origami, forming a steeple, then collapsing into flatlands. Ginny watches, counting the white knuckles, watching them turn pink with blood flow, before answering.
"...It'll be grand," Ginny forges on, trying to ignore Luna's face.
The other girl has wrapped her Ravenclaw colored scarf tightly around her neck, almost covering her lips.
"...I'm sure it will."
Ginny feels vaguely nonplussed after their meeting.
Even for a family like hers, Ginny hadn't understood 'travel'. It wasn't like when people packed their bags and walked on their two feet for what seemed like forever to get somewhere. Instead they whispered words, tossed dust and stepped through fire - only far less elegant than it sounds.
She finds, however, that she's all too glad to pack her bag (single, because more than one would be impractical) and step out into the sunshine. She takes the hat Luna offers her, too big, too floppy, ridiculous with small panda print and settles it on her head.
It has been a year since she and Harry Potter said that they loved each other. She had been right, she could make someone fall in love and she could fall in love. Ginny Weasley could write a love poem and she could kiss and she could even wait for her knight in shining armor to come back to her. But she did not wait idly, and her hands did no good when they weren't moving. Ginny Weasley was a girl who learned things and who always moved forward.
"...Think we'll need seven league boots?" Ginny asks, brightly.
Luna looks up at the clouds, as if she's counting curves of white and hesitates before answering. Luna was not like Ginny, because she wasn't always moving forwards. Sometimes moving forwards lead to nothing. Luna was the kind of girl that always knew things because she always had her eyes open. She might be a dreamer too, because Dreams gave birth to so many things. Most of all, Luna was patient, because she knew that everything would come back to truth, eventually.
"...Seven and a half league boots." She speculated, adjusting her own floppy hat and held out her hand.
"Maybe even nine league boots." Ginny replied, and took Luna's hand. Maybe it wasn't a revelation, maybe Ginny just didn't want to take the first step alone, maybe they had never been in love before.
But none of that really mattered, anyway.