I really couldn’t help myself with the comment to carrots! For further explanation (if needed) read
The Very Secret Diaries from LotR. I couldn't find any rules against cross-overs so I went there - oh yes, I went there.
Pervy Carrot Fucker
Hermione was down right needy. Two months at school, away from her beloved dildo (nicknamed Mr. Pointy), had lead to her own manual orgasmic failure and it sucked. That is, until she found an interesting catalogue entitled “Magical Pleasures”. With a little midnight stealth that involved an owl, Harry’s cloak, and near expulsionary run-in with Mrs. Norris, she placed her order.
Hermione sat in the common room, waiting. 4-6 weeks my ass! An owl delivered something and she snuck off. Soon after, her rage rocked the tower, “Meriadoc Brandybuck, you pervy carrot fucker! What use is it to me broken!”