Originally posted by
deathpixie at
Signal Boost: Return of the DDoSFor those wanting to know more about the recent DDoS attacks, yes, it looks like it was the
Russian government trying to shut down the dissidents again. As I said
last time, while it's frustrating not to have access, LJ is a lot more than a social network platform. From the article:
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Comments 9
I do admit it is annoying, but I like how they're doing their best amid all the madness and hatred :)
I'm playing catch-up at work now and also trying to get my sleep pattern back to normal. I'll send you a proper email later (and hopefully a story to beta soon!).
But as a computer geek, I know that it is practically impossible to defend against DDoS attacks; it's simply in the way the Internet was designed. If Dreamwidth suddenly came under attack, the results would be the same.
I have too much invested in my flist and comms here to leave, although I do have things backed up at DW and IJ. Just better to spread the eggs over several baskets and not depend on one blog. My access to LJ was hit and miss, never lasting more than a few hours at at time where I couldn't get on.
.... you're back! :)
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