As a writer, I appreciate having a Yuletide likes/dislikes post for my recipient, so I thought I'd post one of my own in case it helps.
1) So I tried to give an idea of what I’m interested in plot wise in the three fandoms I requested, but I also hate to be too specific, only because I like to give a writer freedom to use their imagination. Most times, writers think of so many cool things that I could never come up with. I don't care about length - short, long - it's just nice to get a story in any of the fandoms I requested.
2) I love slash (explicit or implied), I don't mind dark (actually, I love dark fics) or kinky. I love handcuffs, blindfolds, bondage, hairpulling and just about any of the different 'plays' (breath, knife, blood, etc.). I’m pretty open to whatever fits with what you come up with plot wise. But along with loving slash, it's certainly not necessary if the plot is good.
3) I don't like silly fluff or cracky stuff much and I'm also not into sappy romance.
4) Please, please, please - I really don't like het, at all, but with the characters and fandoms I requested, I can’t see that being a problem.
Thank you so much for doing this. I hope you have fun writing, which is the whole point. Write what makes you feel comfortable. I don't have to have slash to enjoy it, believe me.
And in case you don’t want to have to go searching for the request, I included it here too.
Request 1: Shadow of the Templar - M. Chandler
* Bran Lindsey
* Jeremy Archer
Request Detail: Anything with these two would be great, especially if you've read Cuckoo's Egg. It can be from their time living together or during the 'missing' three years after Cuckoo's Egg ends. Slash is fun, and since they're really not related, it couldn't be considered 'incest'.
Request 2: Witch Eyes - Scott Tracey
* Braden Michaels
* Trey Lansing
* Lucien Fallon
* Drew Armstrong
Request Detail: This is a newer YA series, so if you've read it, especially book 2 (Demon Eyes), you know why I like this fandom. It lends itself nicely to darker themes and slash.
Request 3: The Administration - Manna Francis
* Leo Warrick
* Val Toreth
* Frederick Girardin
Request Detail: Although I'm a slash fan, I like plot as much as sex. I'd like to see something less mainstream, something other than the normal Keir/Val stories, maybe a missing scene or a confrontation between Val and any of the other two.