And this week's theme...

Apr 30, 2010 22:24

Happy Weekend to you all!! My life has been super hectic, what with finishing exams -which I did pretty good on, if anyone's interested-, moving, starting a new job, and starting two new classes. As such, I am incredibly happy that it is the weekend, despite the fact I'm helping my sister move back home for the summer (which means I might not be able to post last week's info until late tomorrow...)

With that little update, let's get to the good stuff shall we... This week's theme is crossovers. Just so everyone is on the same page, this is where the HP world collides, or otherwise somehow links with another fandom (for example: Harry has some sort of unknown disease, and Dr. House helps diagnose him. Or Ron Weasley has a problem with vampires, and who else to come to the rescue but Buffy the Vampire Slayer... **These are just examples, and I don't really know if fics like these actually exist.)

This is not a theme that greatly interests me, so I'm counting on all of you to help make it great (which I know you guys can totally do, lol) As for subthemes, simply tell me which other fandom Harry Potter is crossed over with. Happy reccing :)  ~Jaime

*EDIT*  Someone asked me if they could rec works based on other works (ex: an HP fic based on Cinderella). I said yes without thinking properly. But after considering it a bit more, I've decided that this could be a whole theme to itself. So for the sake of this theme, crossovers will refer to HP recs that have characters from other fandoms than HP. Sorry for the confusion! ~Jaime

theme announcement, theme:crossovers

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