Hello, Reccers!
Since we depressed everybody last week with our request for
DEATH (and would love to see more of them!), we're making it up to you this week with this opposite-of-that theme:
Now, this theme, like all, is a bit open to interpretation. So: if they are appearing alive after their death in the canon timeline (e.g., Snape, Tonks, Dobby or Bellatrix, any time after Deathly Hallows, Sirius after Order of the Phoenix, Lily Evans Potter and James Potter...at any time after 1981), their Canon Death has been Reversed, and the fanwork in which they appear is eligible for reccing in this category!
Here, have a template:
Title:Author/Artist:Working Link:Pairing/Gen:Rating:WIP/Complete:Death-Reversed Character:Author's Summary:Contributor's Comments: And, as always, Happy Reccing!