Title: Guilty Heart-Chapter 10 9Redefining Love)
User: bluangleyes75
Pairing: Rob/Kristen
Rating: PG
Summary: Rob and Kristen take their first steps towards being "fine".
Disclaimer: I don't own them, don't even know them, but a girl can dream. All mistakes are mine...
Chapter 1 l
Chapter 2 l
Chapter 3 l
Chapter 4 l
Chapter 5 l
Chapter 6 l
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Comments 5
1. Will their love be strong enough to move forward?!
2. Will RP be able to forget? because the people will definitely keep reminding him
3. Will KS forgive herself? And the public will ever trust her again?
I know I'm overthinking this but I cant help it:((
I really hope that they work everything out, especially since I think the entire thing was set up. I would love to be a fly on the wall in a room with them.
Do you plan on continuing or are you ending it?
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