Name: Beth
Do you like it?: I like Beth a lot. Bethany, well, take it or leave it.
Nicknames: Ms. B, Bethy, Bethis.
Screen names: WUTtheHELLisPUNK
Birthday: April 28.
Status: Single.
Crush: A beautiful boy.
Natural hair color: Brown
Current hair color: It’s natural for the first time in like 2 years.
Eye color: Brown.
Height: 5'6"
Birthplace: Ft. Wayne, IN.
Shoe size: 9.
[ family ]
Parents: Lori and Bill
Siblings: Courtney
Live with: Mom.
Favorite relative: Aunt Lisa is the bomb!
[ favorites ]
Number: 13.
Color: green, black, pink.
Month: Hmm, I don’t think I have a fav, although summer is quite delightful.
Food: Spaghetti, tacos,.
Class: I kinda like English, call me crazy.
Drink: Vanilla Coke, juice.
Word: antidisastablishmentarianism, jammies, lips.
Animal: Dogs, horses.
Flower: Dandelions. Nevermind.
[ this or that ]
Me/You: You.
Coke/pepsi: Coke.
Day/night: Night.
Cd/cassette: CDs.
Dvd/vhs: DVD.
Jeans/khakis: Jeans.
Car/truck: Car.
Lunch/dinner: Hmm, doesn’t matter.
NSYNC/BSB: Are you telling me to committ suicide or just suggesting it?
Gap/Old Navy: Ugh to both.
Lipstick/Lipgloss: I don’t like either. Chapstick is all that goes on my lips.
[ love and relationships ]
Do you have a bf/gf?: No.
Do you have a crush?: Yea, I guess you could call it that.
How long have you liked him/her?: Way.too.fucking.long.
Why do you like this person?: Well I could go into, but I will put it this way, I’ve been racking my brain trying to find something I dislike about him and I haven’t found it yet.
If you're single... why are you single?: I like boys who don’t like me and turn down the thousands who are interested. Haha. Or just the few.
If you're not single... give details...: No.
How long was your longest relationship?: I don’t really know. Not very long. A couple months probably.
How long was your shortest relationship?: Haha. Like a week with Greg.
Who was your first love?: None of your business.
What do you miss about them?: Unknown.
[ the past ]
What is the one thing you would change about your past?: I don’t think anything, because all this shit has made me the person I am.
Last thing you heard: The news my mom is watching.
Last thing you saw: The page numbers written on my hand reminding me to read a Fitzgerald story for class.
Who is the last person you saw?: I’m looking at my mom as we speak.
Who is the last person you kissed?: Chris.
Who is the last person you hugged?: Uhh Scott or someone.
Who is the last person you fought with?: Define fight.
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: My mom after school.
What is the last TV show you saw?: Can’t remember, don’t fancy tv all that much.
What is the last song you heard?: Hmm I don’t know.
[ the present ]
What are you wearing?: Jeans. Rugby sweatshirt. Green Days Away t-shirt. Socks.
What are you doing?: Having a bad taste in my mouth.
Who are you talking to?: No one.
What song are you listening to?: I don’t have sound on my computer and haven’t for 6 months :-/ .
Where are you?: Mom’s room.
Are you online?: Yes.
How are you feeling?: Throw-up headache tired.
[ future ]
What day is it tomorrow?: Tuesday. Sigh.
What are you going to do after this?: Unknown.
Who are you going to talk to?: Hopefully someone will call but doubtful so my mom.
How old will you be when you graduate? 18.
What is one of your dreams?: To fall in love.
Where will you be in 25 years?: Married and a job.
Where are you gonna be TOMORROW NIGHT: Uhh unknown.
[ have you ever ]
Drank?: Yes.
Smoked?: Yes. All summer.
Had sex?: No.
Stolen?: Yea nothing legit though.
Done anything illegal?: Haha yea. I’ve been to court and done my time.
Wanted to die?: Yea.
Hit someone?: Yes.
[ other ]
Do you write in cursive or print?: Kinda both. I call it chicken scratch. You know it’s bad when YOU can’t read it.
Are you a lefty or a righty?: Righty but I do most everything but write with my left.
What is your sexual preference?: Straight.
What piercings do you have?: A shitload of stuff in my ears and my belly button.
Any tattoos?: In 2 ½ years.
Do you drive?: In 6 months.
Do you have glasses or braces?: No, thank GOD.
Did you like this survey?: Yes, it occupied me for awhile.
What do you most like about your body?: Hmm, my hands and lips.
How many fillings do you have?: None, soon to be two I think.
Do you think you're good looking?: Sometimes.
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?: Yes, but Marco swears I look like a monkey L.
Do you look like any celebrities?: I’ve been told Christina Ricci but I sure hope not.
[ fashion ]
Do you wear a watch?: Nope. Don’t even have a clock in my room.
How many coats and jackets do you own?: One cuz my mom makes me wear it in the winter. I have lots of hoodies.
Favorite pants/skirt color?: Jeans.
Most expensive item of clothing?: $90 Buckle Jeans.
Most treasured?: Black Dickies Sweatshirt NEVER fails me!
What kind of shoes do you wear?: Converse and Vans.
10 Things You've Been Listening to Lately
::01:: Hot Hot Heat
::02:: TBS.
::03:: Brand New.
::04:: Soco.
::05:: Yellowcard.
::06:: My Chemical Romance.
::07:: Norma Jean.
::08:: Lots
::09:: of
::10:: others.
09 Things I Look Forward To
::01:: Having a BF sometime soon, I hope.
::02:: Christmas I guess.
::03:: Sleeping.
::04:: Seeing Brooke soon, I hope.
::05:: The weekend.
::06:: Hanging out with this one person.
::07:: End of school.
::08:: My hair growing out.
::09:: Eating the scrumptious bagels mom brought home.
08 Things You Like to Wear
::01:: Dickies Sweatshirt.
::02:: Converse.
::03:: Jeans.
::04:: Black padded bra.
::05:: Hair tie on my left wrist.
::06:: All my t-shirts.
::07:: Dickies.
::08:: Knee-high socks.
07 Things That Annoy Me
::01:: One sided feelings.
::02:: Headaches.
::03:: Slow people in the halls.
::04:: Boys who can’t take a clue.
::05:: Wanting what you can’t have.
::06:: When people don’t give my CDs back.
::07:: Blow drying my hair.
06 Things You Love
::01:: Music.
::02:: Brooke Stacey Amanda Alyssa.
::03:: Dickies sweatshirt <3.
::05:: Writing.
::06:: Requiem for a Dream.
05 Things You Do Everyday
::01:: Listen to music.
::02:: Talk online.
::03:: Day dream of things I hope for.
::04:: Eat.
::05:: Wishful thinking.
04 People [or Groups of People] You Want to Spend More Time With
::01:: The triangle.
::02:: Chris.
::03:: Alyssa.
::04:: Amanda.
03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over Again
::01:: Requiem for a Dream.
::02:: Pulp Fiction.
::03:: I don’t know.
02 Of Your Favorite Songs at the Moment
::01:: SoCo- Hurricane
::02:: Hot Hot Heat- No, Not New
01 Thing You'd Rather Be Doing
::01:: Kissing someone or sleeping…haha.
Either-Or (Pick which one you prefer):
Music/TV: Music.
Guys/Girls: Guys.
Green/Blue: Green.
Pink/Purple: Pink.
Sleep/Stay Up: Sleep.
Summer/Winter: Summer.
Spring/Fall: Fall.
Night/Day: Night.
Hangin Out/Chillin': Hanging out.
Friends/Lovers: Both.
Cold/Warm: Warm.
New/Old: Both.
Dark/Light: Dark.
Sparkle/Shine: Uhhh.
Peach/Plum: Peach.
Apple/Orange: Apple.
Laundry/Dishes: Laundry, dishes are gross.
Rock/Rap: Rock.
Pop/R&B: Pop.
Who is your best friend?: Stacey Brooke Alyssa Amanda
Who is the best person to hang with?: Haha I like hanging out with that one kid.
Who is the sweetest person?: Brooke
Who's the cutest person: Stacey
Who's the nicest?: All of them.
Who's the most blonde: Hmm.
Who's the weirdest: Alyssa is pretty weird.
Who's the craziest: None of them are by any means normal.
Quickest: What?
Most Trustful: Stacey and Brooke.
Most Honest: Above.
Last few questions:
Are you bored? Always.
Did you have a good day today? No.
What are you doing tomorrow: School.
What did you do today?: School.
borrowed from Ohmylove