Ok, so... I think it's about time for the obligatory yearly this-is-what's-been-happening update.
*deep breath*
Last December, Ben and I split. Jon and I got together.
I moved back into the dorms for two quarters. Hated it. Much.
Moved into apartments in Cheney with Jon, Jenai, and Tatsu. Did not work out at all. Jon and I... especially I, thought Tatsu was treating Jenai poorly, we moved out of there and into Jill's.
Aquired first kitty, Dorian Grey, small, adorable, friendly, abandoned Russian Blue.
Jill's was crazy. In the extreme. Strenuous on the realtionship, but in the end, made us stronger together.
Moved out of Jill's into current apartment. Apartment is shit, rent is fucking awesome ($230 a month). Good location, too. Right off downtown.
Set divorce in motion. Expensive as hell, but well fucking worth it.
Aquired second kitty, Moochie. Small, skittish, sweet black kitty.
Went back to school. Didn't do so well. Oh well. Declared major. I sold my soul to the university theater.
Over winter break, tried out for and was cast in The Curse of El Pollo Diablo. Pissed off some of the regulars in the theater. They can get over it.
Unexpected windfall. Jon's mom got large settlement from V.A., and gave Jon a chunk. Jon gave ME a 2000 Ford Contour. She also gave us Comcast on demand, cable internet, and a Senseo coffee maker thing (YUMMY!). On top of that, $600 a month for whatever. For as long as she lives.
Bought W.o.W. It's fun.
Back to school. Ceramics, Art in the Humanities, History of Modern Art, and Stage Make-up. One more art class, I'll have a minor. Couldn't take any other theater classes, didn't start in on the series in the fall. Bastards.
El Pollo opens. Small crowds. Fun show. Come see it, damnit!
Tried out for Cabaret. Ensemble.
Gavin and Stephanie approach Jon and me about possibly moving into a house with them. We're going to go look at it tomorrow.
Ben shows up this morning. He wants the papers. He doesn't think I'm going to get them done in time. Like he thinks I want to be attached to him any longer than I have to, and that I really wanted to waste that much money on nothing. So I filled out the papers, made copies, and delivered them. Fuck him.
All in all, it's been a pretty good year in spite of everything that's happened. I'm so happy with Jon. We co-exist without being joined at the hip. I'm completely comfortable, and I love it. I'm less depressed than ever, and I'm finally in theater, like I've always wanted to do, and never did because Ben didn't want me to, because he was jealous. I have the means to buy things when I need to, because all my money isn't going to Warhammer figurines and late bills. My kitties are insane and sleep on our heads, and I love it. I think I am finally being domesticated, and it's a good feeling.