Legend of Korra!

Mar 25, 2012 14:53

Everyone's seen the first two episodes of Legend of Korra, right? AREN'T THEY GOOD? P, who has also seen the original series, refuses to throw a "Legend of Korra viewing party" in April, but nevertheless invited me to watch the preview episodes last night. This was brave and sweet of him, since I have a habit of making running commentary on ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

animeshen March 25 2012, 19:06:06 UTC


hsiuism March 27 2012, 00:51:11 UTC


beccastareyes March 25 2012, 19:07:50 UTC
I think a lot of 'Korra needs to learn discipline and restraint' was well shown off in the pilot. Not just 'she can't grok airbending', but how she loses ground twice in a row on her first pro-bending magic within seconds: first because she forgets the rules and fouls**, second because she doesn't seem to be used to fighting in a way where she has to watch foot placement. Bolin notes the problem with her stance when she Earthbends -- solidity might be the platonic ideal of an Earthbender, but in pro-bending one needs to be able to move. And, heck, when she breaks up the fight with the gangsters, she, as the cops point out, caused more destruction than the gangsters probably would have on their own ( ... )


hsiuism March 27 2012, 00:29:20 UTC
My impression was that Korra didn't know about pro-bending before coming to Republic City, but quickly became a fan? At least, that's how I made sense of her initial ignorance of the rules.

Definitely agreed that the pilot showed Korra's challenges - though I read the gangster scene as even though Korra caused a lot of property damage, the viewer is still supposed to take her actions approvingly, since she was on the "good" side of the fight. I'll be interested to see her clashes with Tenzin in later episodes, and if she adopts any other forms of confrontation!

And yeah, I totally want flashbacks of adult!Toph, as well as all the other original characters :DD


caitie March 25 2012, 19:12:46 UTC
I'm waiting to watch this until it airs on television, but I'm excited that it sounds so good.

Korra, I think, will face the opposite challenge. I'm guessing her struggle will be to temper her raw talent with discipline, and her natural inclination for directness and confrontation (which are good for some situations) with discretion and compromise.

Yay, sounds interesting!


hsiuism March 27 2012, 00:30:38 UTC
Yes, I think you'll enjoy it! I'm already looking forward to rewatching the episodes on TV :9


bevinbaka March 26 2012, 03:32:32 UTC
Yes, I'm excited for this series! I hope they keep making the episodes available online so I can continue to see them. I'm loving the look of the series and I'm really curious if they're going to stay in the city more or have another epic hero's journey type odyssey ( ... )


hsiuism March 27 2012, 00:48:16 UTC
Yeah, villain seems "same old same old," hates everything for some convoluted yet bizzarre reason. Watch him be Sokka's grandson, and then I will be so sad!

From what I've read, this series is just going to stay (or at least focus on) Republic City, since it's a shorter series than Avatar. But I'm hoping we'll see a little more of what al the nations look like 70 years on!

And yes, agreed about the technology! P and I were wondering if the automobiles and trains were running because of technological advances, or if they were powered by bending. Either way, I love the 1920's feel of the city.


bevinbaka March 27 2012, 23:25:27 UTC
Just read this today and thought it was interesting. I had many of the same thoughts re: the main antagonistic plot, the technology, etc. Not judging since how the show is handling them isn't clear yet, but I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about this stuff.


nickelodeon March 26 2012, 11:08:25 UTC
Oh, we ALL knew Bolin was going to be friendzoned immediately. It's the sad truth of the funny-not-as-attractive/badass-younger-brother characters.

Definitely sad about Sokka/everyone being dead. I would have AT LEAST liked them to pretend they're not all dead right out of the gate but I guess they didn't want to give anyone false hope of seeing Older Sokka pop up. :(


hsiuism March 27 2012, 00:50:37 UTC
I hope we get lots of flashbacks of the original characters as adults, at least. 'Cause I am prepared to LOL at Fire Lord Zuko XD

Friendzoned Bolin drinking game. That's how I'm gonna spend spring!


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