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一 二 General
Name: Mai
Age: 18
Country: currently Philippines
Stamped as (if can, please link to your general application too):
Arioka Daiki Are you…
Patient or impatient? Patient?
Optimistic or Pessimistic? OPTIMISTIC!
Talkative or Quiet? definitely talkative
Industrious or Lazy? L.A.Z.Y.
Able to accept negative comments or not? able
What are you usually like when…
You just woke up? ditzy
You’re eating? quiet, intent LOL
You’re taking a bath? depends on the temperature, i always shower with cold water no matter what the temperature is so it depends...but i usually sing in the showers *the songs i sing depends on the temperature/mood too*
You’re tired? unable to move
What do you often…
Wear when you go out? depends on my mood...i often like to dress up, but your wardrobe isn't that forgiving...
Order when eating out? whatever my mood is...if I want Italian, I'll get Italian...although that could be swayed very easily
A phrase you often say? it often changes like the seasons...right now i say --much at the end of the sentence... i.e. Addict Much?
Something you’ll will absolutely never do? Drugs
Do you like…
Eating in general? Oh YES, i wouldn't be this big if I dislike eating
Sweets? Yup, japanese chocolates and ICE CREAMS and MILKSHAKES in particular
Raw meat? like sushi? sure...but i don't like raw veggies *i know i'm weird*
Foreign Music, other than Japanese? yes. american, english, korean, taiwanese
Being in a group or being alone? In a Group mostly...but having alone moments are healthy too
Amusement Parks? Yes...but only if i have companions...i am way too scared to go on acro-rides alone
Movies? Yes, Romantic Comedies are my faves =)
Video/Techy Games?
Videos = yes! *thanks the stars for torrents, DLLs, and streaming sites* probably wouldn't be that alive without it
Games = Yes, but i usually play versus games more...RPG are more fun to watch IMO. but i play those too sometimes...i'm more of a video watcher than a gamer
Reading?'s kind of unlike me to read Meg Cabot's and the like stuff but i do *absolutely love Shannon Greenland now but will be picking up John Grisham and Paulo Coehlo in the future*. yeah, there's more to it than manga but i'm more of a video watcher as i've said.
Who in HSJ is exuding friendliness? Hikaru, Yabu and Daiki perhaps...everyone is friendly but these three are of a different level perhaps
Who in HSJ is a bit weird for you? Ryutaro? Yuto? IDK why but that is just the aura they exude...and oh shame on me! how could I ever forget Inoo the Weirdo? ROFL
Who do you think would be your HSJ TWIN? no idea...i actually applied for this as i have no clue who is Daiki's opposite...or in this case, mine.
If you’re a fruit what will you be? IDK, mango? it's probably one fruit i'll be willing to eat *i don't like veggies and fruits in general*
Did you answer ALL the questions honestly? Yes
Anything else you want to add? hope i can get the result before my 18th birthday... hope that this will be accomplished before my nineteenth birthday *prays to the GOD of the universe*