I thought I wouldn't post the lyrics of this one 'cause it's already got a lot of English in it, and there's Korean as well. But it's requested by my sweet Sunotan
Seyjan, so here we are! (And also because I love Fukka!!! (I love Hi-kun and Date-sama as well, of course, but Fukka is soooo asjgklhrrr 😂🙈✌💜))
By the way, if someone knows Korean,
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Comments 7
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I came really quickly, when I received the notification my heart started beating so fast ;^;
This is incredible! What a wonderful gift! 🥺
Seriously, thank you for your hard work, you are the sweet one here, you took my request so kindly *cries cries*
And I agree with you, Fukka is my oshi but in this MV he looks so ikemen! I love him so much! 💜
I don't have the enough words to express all my feelings, but I want you to know that you are a special person to me, thank you 😭💕
P.S Ganbatte in your personal projects, and I'm sorry for my broken english ;-;
Aaaa, Seyjan! You're so kind, nice, and sweet! Thank you so much 🥰💗
Due to my hectic work schedule, I can't be as active as before, so while I understand if people stop interacting with me, sometimes it feels sad, so thank you for still being nice to me despite my absence from the fandom. It really makes me happy 😊
Also, there's nothing wrong with your English. It's perfectly understandable. If I didn't know you speak Spanish, I would think English was your first language. Your English is great ;)
PS: Fukka really gives that aura where we can feel comfortable just being ourselves around him T_T
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