"the basics"
Zodiac Sign:Sagitarius
Where You At (Country/Location):United States
Pick three awesome adjectives to describe yourself:Interesting, spazzy, funny
Pick three negative adjectives to describe yourself:Paranoid, stubborn, and for a lack of an adjective, I have a tendency to find something new and obsess about it.
C, G, N, You!...me?!
Likes:Food, reading, drawing, going to bad movies with my friends and not paying attention to the movie at all, playing the guitar, playing the piano, playing the violin, sitting, staring contests, buying CD's, music, finding new bands, jumping, and hugs.
Dislikes:Rap, homework over the summer, people with no imaginations, (too much) TV, people who don't act like themselves, and a pair of pants in my drawer my mom made me keep.
Music:They Might Be Giants, Franz Ferdinand, The Subways, John Linnell, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, B-52's, Talking Heads, Lemon Demon, Weird Al, and Green Day.
Movies:Tim Burton's movies are really good and I like M. Night Shyamalan's work too. I don't really have a favorite movie now that I think of it...
TV Show:Mythbusters.
Place:Under a tree...
Anything else you'd like to share with the class?:Nope, my brain's not up to thinkin' now.
The proverbial "if you found someone's wallet on the ground, and no one is around" question. What would you do?:At least try to find the owner, and if I can't, keep the money.
Who are you labeled as among your friends?:I'm labeled?
Are you a leader or a follower?:Follower.
Do you view the hypothetical glass of Sudsuu as half-empty or half-full?:Half full.
What are some of your fears?:Being a failure at everything I do.
What did you (or do you) want to do when you grew up?:I want to work at a bookstore, until I find something else to do.
What sort of things make you happy?:Expirencing something happy and not having an afterthought about it until hours later.
...and what makes you feel depressed?:Seeing people being ignorant to the world.
General H*R Junk
Who's your favorite character (and why)?:Homsar. His randomness always brightens my day.
Who's your least favorite character (and why)?:I'd say the KOT. He's so annoying.
If you lived in Free Country, what role do you think you'd play? (Ex. Strong Bad's groupie, the Cheat's manager, some guy from a zoo, etc.):I'd probably be hangin' out with Homestar and trying to think of ways to escape boredom.
Would Strong Bad approve of your grammar?:Probably.
What's your favorite toon or part of the site?:Bug in Mouth Disease is tied with Experimental Film.
Last but not least, post a [decent] picture of yourself here. This is optional, by the way.