So, two things are on my mind today. One is kind of a heavy topic, and the other is decidedly not. So if you don't give a flip about my personal/emotional problems, feel free to click the second cut for happy fun Koei shenanigans.
On the subject of life...
Fuck, I don't even know what the hell. I just finished the last exam I will ever take and I graduate tomorrow. I should be happy, but all I can think about is 'OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK' because I have no clue what the hell I'm supposed to do with myself now. I thought I knew what I wanted to do after college, but today I realized that I had no idea.
Before today, my life had structure. I knew what to expect from one day to the next, and I could always look forward to another semester of schooling after each summer. It was comforting to have that routine. Now, I have to find a decent-paying job to pay back student loans, and eventually find a place to live on my own. Honestly, I'm stared out of my mind. I feel like I'm in Limbo, not knowing which way to go or what to call myself. I'm not a student anymore, but I'm afraid of being an adult.
On a lighter note, Koei shenanigans!
WO3 is an amazing game, but since my dear departed 360 has passed on, I needed to find some other way to get my Koei fix. So I says to myself, "Nemea looks like an interesting fellow. I think I shall look into his source game."
Thus, I ended up with a copy of Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll.
Koei, you've done it again. You've created a beautiful time sink that plays like an amazing cocktail of WO, Etrian Odyssey, and Dragon Age, followed by a buttered rum chaser. This game. This game.
Once I got over the fact that the main character, Areus, looks suspiciously like Robert Pattinson (seriously, I cringe every time they do a close-up of his face), I found I quite like him. He's a little bit boring in a broody, cliche JRPG MC kind of way, but he's just way too much fun to play, so I can't hate him too much. Magic knights are awesome.
The story is definitely this game's weakest aspect, since it's nothing we haven't seen before, but this is Koei, after all. We're not here for the story. We're here to smash in the faces of hundreds of enemies in incredibly satisfying ways, and that's where it shines. The only thing there really is to do is dungeon-crawl, hacking (or punching, in Dagda's case) through waves of baddies. Enemies scale with your level, so even when you clear a dungeon once, you can still expect a decent challenge when you go back.
I'm having much more fun with this than I really have any right to be. Best $20 I've spent in a long time.