Personal notes on Pride.

Nov 19, 2010 16:52

? ||NOTES|| ?

? ||Powers.|| ?

Shadows. His true form is a kin to Father's original form and as such, it blends into and requires shadows to show up; otherwise it's stuck in his 'Selim' container. Pride's shadows have unlimited range, as long as there is shadow enough to support it. Enough light [A flashbang] to get rid of them entirely and total darkness - IE no moon and stars out - render him stuck. In The House, Pride's range has been nerfed to about 20 meters and he can't get under doors if they are shut.Otherwise his range is pretty much unlimited.

Pride's presence is one of extreme bloodlust and it feels like one is suffocating when he's not pretending. Pride seems to be able to control this, as no one seems the wiser that Pride = Selim until he reveals who he is to them. Pride also seems not to see his siblings as siblings, but part of a whole / simply parts of a system, though he may simply have said that for the shock value. Given the little shit that he is, this is more than likely possible.

The shadows, can, AFAIK:
» Move around him, lift the container, hold things ect.
» Make little hands.
» Pierce almost anything, baring something like Greed's carbon based shield // Edward's modified Northern Automail // things like, IDK, diamond ect. They are also razor sharp.
» Block almost anything, much like Greed's ultimate shield.
» See things through the shadows - eyes and mouths, don't always have to visible.
» Devour things like a human or a philosopher stone. He tends only to eat those with a philosopher's stone though.

With Gluttony's devouring, Pride gains the following.
» Being able to smell out anything with a scent. [This, can, possibly be messed with IE a strong enough scent near the scent he wants can make him misjudge / miss it ect.]
» Eat anything - Probably gains the False Gate so all that eaten stuff unneeded for the container goes there.
» Hunger pains. Unlike Gluttony, he has the self-control to deal with it, though he does say it's rather inconvenient. He just eats more than normal when he does eat/drink.

» Pride can regenerate and attack at the same time. He also regenerates much faster than his siblings, but not as fast as Father.

? ||Container notes.|| ?

The shell looks like it's ten years old, and that's what Pride plays it as.

Built to appear fully human. Yes, this means balls as well as a penis and all that nice human stuff. [Peeing, Pooing ect.] It can cry and bleed when he needs it, though normally if broken, it just shows up as mass of darkness under the skin until he regenerates it. It does not feel pain or pleasure, so Pride's had to get really good at acting while as a human. He can speak though his container or through the shadows, though the shadows tend to use his real voice, and the container the Selim one unless he specifically wills it.

? ||Emotions.|| ?

Pride's emotions are all based on his own pride, one way or the other. They say that an insulted pride is a nasty thing and this is true. Most things he let's slide on a daily basis, shrugging if off with a bored look, but sometimes, things get to him, words or actions, or anything that can be perceived as an insult. He will frown/sulk/scowl about it, depending on the situation. Pride is a cruel, arrogant little shit and he knows it and doesn't care, at all. He is the best, the first homunculus and his pride in that is huge. He is better than humans, who he looks down on as trash, unless they have a use, but even then they are beneath him, useless, weak, pitiful things that allow the emotions to get in the way. Pride says that he doesn't have wrath, lust, envy, greed, sloth or gluttony in him, but, yes, he does, somewhat. They are simply so minimal that they have little impact. Even Gluttony, after he devours him, falls under this somewhat.

» Fear - Pride feels this rarely as most things are easily handled, as he knows that even amongst his siblings, he's a monster. The only thing that would be worse than him is Father, but there is no fear there, only respect. Any fear he shows would be acting on his part, and needed. True fear is something that he feels so rarely that it barely rates a mention..

» Confusion is another thing - mostly in regards to his human mother and why she is as she is. Like, why would she risk her life to 'save him' by jumping in front of a car. He doesn't understand the bond that happens between a mother and a child, adopted or no. He's also never had a mother, only a Father, and both are very different beings.


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