HUFFITY PUFFITY! As far as I'm concerned, this is the best questionaire ever written! Five stars for Miss Zeetha!
1. What constitutes the act of sex?
Generally speaking, I believe it's genital stimulation with another person. Also, it can vary widely depending on who you're asking.
2. Are there different types of sex? If so, describe them.
Sure! There's sex in the bedroom, sex in the kitchen, sex in the shower, sex in the storage room,- I can keep going-, sex in the crow's nest...
1. List three myths or urban legends about sex or contraception you know are untrue.
I... don't think I've ever heard any, actually. Living in the woods most of one's life will do that to a person.
2. Can a woman get pregnant if she has sex during her period?
I honestly don't know. They didn't exactly have sex ed for forest critters when I was growing up.
3. Can a woman get pregnant after she engages in anal intercourse?
Even from the little I know, that one's pretty easy. No.
4. Can a woman get pregnant if she has sex with a race of humanoid besides her own?
Hey, I'm the living result of human-on-demihuman. If not then I must be a miracle of science.
5. Is it possible for men to get pregnant?
... no.
1. List all forms of contraception you are aware of.
You know, it would be really helpful if you wouldn't use these fancy, scientific words for people who GREW UP IN A FOREST!
2. Do you know what the effectiveness level of these contraceptives are? If they are used in combination?
3. Are you aware of any risks involved with their use?
4. Do you know where to acquire any of these contraceptive devices?
5. Who should you consult before using them?
Your mom.
1. What is a sexual disease? How are they spread?
It's a disease you get from having sex.
... from having sex.
2. List any sexual diseases you are aware of.
See above about how I GREW UP IN A FOREST!
3. How can you prevent contracting these diseases, or minimize the risk of doing so?
Get really, really lucky.
4. Are there any treatment options available?
Um... doctors?
1. Do you find the subject embarrassing? Why or why not?
Only a tiny bit. It's just not something people talk about all that often.
2. How often do you engage in it? Do you think that is normal?
You know, since having a lady around I've found that I engage in it much less often than I used to. Probably only once or twice a week now, if that. And I have no idea if it's normal or not seeing as how I GREW UP IN A FREAKING FOREST!
3. Would you feel comfortable discussing the subject with any future romantic partners?
Of course.
5. What are the benefits of masturbation? Are there any negatives?
Um... it feels really good? No negatives that I'm aware of.
6. List any urban legends or myths you have heard about masturbation.
Again. Forest. We just don't get out that often.
That wasn't as great as I thought it would be.