Title:With a Wink
Pairing(s):Yunho and JaeJoong
Summary:[Yunho slowly opened his eyes and started to stretch out in bed when his foot hit something. Startled he turned his head and was staring into the face of a strange man.
"Who the hell are you", Yuno said while pushing away from the partially nude body of a young man. Jae opened his eyes as the sun started streaming in through the window. "Hello gorgeous," Jae said with a wink, my name is Kim Jaejoong, just like I told you last night. "What last night ,"Yunho said while rubbing his head in his hands. I don't remember you. "Well I can understand , you were loaded last night ."Jae said over his shoulder. Yunho glanced at Jae pulling his shirt over his slender frame.
Yunho tried to think of what had happemed the evening before. His manager had yelled at his for not going to a Christmas party and he had stopped in at a bar to have a few drinks. He knew he had a few too many when someone had toufhed him on his shoulder and asked for an autograph. That was the extent of his memory, every thing else was blank. "well , ah, well ...what happened last night/" Yubho said with his head down. Jae turned head with a smile on his face, and gave Yunho a wink. "What the hell does that mean?' Yunho said pulling his pants on. "I got what I wanted ," Jae said, pulling on his jacket , then shutting the door. 'Dam, Yunho thought. " No way, no way," Yunho kept
saying to himself all day long.
Yunho claimed the stairs to his managers office and was ready with an apology as he opened the door. He closed the door behind him and looked at the angry face of his manage and noticed he was not alone. Someone was sitting in front of the desk with his back to Yunho. "I am sorry", Yunho said as the manager held up his hand. "I don't want to hear it Yunho,"the manager said as he got up from his chair. He came around the desk and Yunho just looked down because he thought he would get an ear full from his manager. He just had a headach and had gone to all the parties but this one, why could he not just skip one dam party?
"This is the new front man,' the manager said as the guy in the chair got to his feet and turned. Yunho looked up about the time Jae turned around. "No way in hell", Yunho said almost shouting. The manager had his arm around Jae's shoulder and could not understand Yunho's anger. "with his looks and voice he will make a great front man to the band," the manager said smiling. Jae held out his hand for Yunho to take but all Yunho could do was to think of that wink Jae given him that morning. "OMG ,"what do I do now?"Yunho thought to himself. This punk is trying to blackmail me into the band. "Think Yunho,think! "Yeh,"was all Yunho could say and did a slight bow, but no hand shake. "I need you to take Jae under your wing and show him the ropes," the manager said showing them to the door. Yunho started to say something but the door shut soundly. Yunho turned with a worried look on his face as Jae only smiled.
"Nice ride,where are we going?"" Jae said as he slid into the seat of Yuno's car. "About last night",Yunho said nervously. Jae slid down into the seat and smiled,"yeh it was fun". Yunho rolled his eyes and tried to remember anything as to a clue to what happened. "Aren't we meeting the other members?" Jae said with a wink. "Yeh,,"Yunho said starting the car. The silence was cut short by Jae pushing a CD in. It was one Yunho had just bought, and Jae started singing along. Yunho was taken aback by Jae's beautiful husky voice. "Yunho almost chocked when all of a sudden Jae said" You don't remember do you?" "What the hell happened?" Yunho shouted. "It was very special Jae said ,"and gave Yunho another wink. "Dam him," Yunho thought as he pulled into the studio parking lot.
Jae stood before the rest of the band as Yunho introduced him. Yunho walked over to the fridge as the others started talking to Jae. "Now what am I going to do ?"he thought to himself. " If the rest of the band finds out," Yunho thought under his breath.For years he had hid his feelings ,being unsure of what they actually were. He had girlfriends nad yet at times he did take a second look if a goodlooking guy walked by. Yet he had never, never acted onthose feelings, and now whatn had happened last night? Had he actually brought Jae to his home, and to his bed. "Annni" anni, I just don 't remember,Yunho said shaking his head. He looked up to see Jae smilling at him and giving him another wink.
Ok ,he would get Jae alone and find out the truth. After the day of rehersals were overhe asked Jae over for a drink. Jae slid into the seat of Yunho's car and closed the door. "You want to continue from where we left off"Jae said with a smile. Yunho gulped and could only get Yeh out. Driving he would glance at Jae beside him. His heart was beating faster and faster the closerm they go to his appartment. Jae was leaning against the elevator wall when the door opened to his floor. Down the hall they walked in silence. Yunho fumbled with the keys then opened the door and held it while Jae went inside.
Yunho's hear felt like it would explode with antipation of what was to come. Jae went over and poored each a drink ,then brought them to the couch. Yunho took his coat off and laid it over a chair arm the sat beside Jae. Being nervious Yunho took the drink on one gulp,and went to get another. Jae laughed to himself to see Yunho nervious. "Ok Jae ,what the hell went on last night, Yunho said. Jae sat backand smiled to himself. "I told you I got what I wanted last night and you didn't even remember", Jae said looking at Yunho.
"Look , I have never done this before and I am not sure of what I was doing,' Yunho said shaking his head. Jare got up and turned to go when he tripped over Yunhos coat that had fallen to the floor. With a thud Jae fell against the table and was out cold. Yunho took his shirt off and wrapped it around Jaes head to stop the small trickle of blood. Yunho picked Jae up in his arms and carried him to his bed. He didn't think he was hurt bad enough to call his manager but he wanted to wash the blood off Jae's face.
Wit a clean towel , warm water he sat on the edge of the bed and undid the shirt. The blood had stopped but there were streaks down the side of Jae's face and onto his chest. Yunho moved Jae's hair so he could wipe the blood. As he softly removed the blood he took a long look at Jae lying on the bed. His eyes slowly moved over the pale skin and lingered on the soft full lips, then went down the slender neck to the rise and fall of his chest that could be seen in his half open shirt..
Yunhos breathing became labored and he felt a tingle down his spine as he looked at the beautiful form lying before him. With a finger he traced the eyebrows and down the straight nose , then stopped to linger on the full upper lip. At that moment Jae had a big gulp of air and Yunho jumped to his feet. "Oh my head",Jae said trying to sit up. " What happened?"Jae asked tossing the towel into the pan of blood stained water. "You, you fell and I was washing the blood off ,Yunho explained while trying to hide the tightness in his pants. Yunhos heart was pounding so loud he thought it sounded like a drum. "Did you like what you saw?" Jae smirked as he sat up. "Ah..ah.I was trying to help, Yunho said trying to hide his red face. tag author: a, genre: romance, pairing: yunho/jaejoong, length: oneshot, rating: pg-13,