The Great McShep Slash Hunt

Feb 17, 2008 22:24

Hi, ferret_kitty

My laptop is now back to only playing DVDs intermittently so I have only got as far as the first few episodes of S1 *bows head*. Sorry. I'm going to keep at it, but I think I'll switch to playing them on the telly, that'll be quicker.

So far....

31.1.08 - SGA McShep Slash Search :) Probably a lot of this is open to interpretation, but you can see what you think.

Season One

Episode 1 (00:24:34) Pilot
After arriving in Atlantis, Sheppard is standing guard over McKay as he removes a dust sheet from one of the Ancient consoles. The Major has his back to McKay, and it seems like Rodney is checking him out. It looks to me like he's considering the possibilities.

Having found the Jumper Bay, McKay fetches Weir to show her, and returns to find the bay apparently empty. He calls out to Sheppard, who materialises the Jumper, and waves to Rodney. Rodney gives him a kind of stunned wave back. Ok, open to interpretation - it could be: Wow, it's got a cloaking device! Or it could be: Did he just wave at me? It's a wee shy hesitant wave which makes me lean towards the latter.

Episode 2 (00:40:51) Hide & Seek
After Rodney throws the Naquadah generator through the gate to send the energy-vampire cloud on its way, and Sheppard et al gather around him as he wakes up, Rodney asks what happened. Weir explains, and Sheppard adds 'You must have passed out'. His voice is just brimming with relief, and he does a kind of tight sigh right at the end.

Episode 3 (00:34:38) Thirty-eight minutes
I can't take the credit for this one - someone else pointed it out to me. When they fail to get John's heart restarted, Teyla and Ford drag him to the event horizon. Rodney helps get him through and before Teyla pulls him into the puddle, Rodney grabs his hand. It's blink and you'll miss it.

Episode 4 (00.23.35) Suspicion

After the Athosians leave Atlantis for the mainland, and SGA-1 prepares to head out through the gate with the marines, Rodney moves to stand next to Sheppard even though Teyla and Ford were also part of that little cluster. Ok, that one’s slight.

Episode 5 Underground (00:06:37)

After Cowen tells the team there will be a Harvest Ceremony, Sheppard tells Ford he will be back soon. Rodney says ‘I should go with the major’. Rodney. Refusing food. To go with Sheppard. Draw from this what you will - I know what I am! ;)


Returning to the planet, heading back to town, Rodney criticises Sheppard’s sense of direction. Give them a map, stick them in a car, and I swear - married couple.

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