May 03, 2014 15:01
Feel free to signal boost this post if you think anyone in your circles would be interested. I will post a reminder nearer the end of May.
What: A laid-back challenge to produce Tolkien fanfic (or fanart) of a doomy and/or gloomy flavor during the month of June.
When: Any time during June.
Where: On your LJ, archive(s), or wherever else you post your writing/art.
Why: Because I am self-serving and want to motivate myself to write/read more Tolkien fic. Why not?
Who: You, if you want. Or not you, if you'd rather not.
How: There are no official rules, deadlines, or other things that would cramp our doomy and gloomy style. The criteria are highly subjective (see "What is this doom and gloom you speak of?"). I will endeavor to host weekly update/chit-chat/rant posts on my LJ. That is all.
What is this doom and gloom you speak of? I believe this varies a lot depending on the person. It probably goes without saying that the unmitigatedly fluffy or optimistic is not what this challenge is about, but aside from that it's subjective. If you rarely create or read/view dark and/or angsty fanworks, something mildly sinister may be pushing the envelope for you. Others among you may be comfortable writing perfectly ghastly and depressing things. Just follow your heart, such as it is.
Questions, concerns, bribes? Comment here! } =)
june of doom & gloom,
tolkien fandom,