I'm going to rant about work. It was a long day.
Being short-staffed in childcare is quite possibly as close to hell as one can get without actually dying. We had a total of 68 kids between 8am and 1pm. That's absolutely insane. We've had days when we haven't had nearly that many between 8am and 8pm. I hate working Saturdays. I absolutely LOVE the people I work with in the evenings during the week, but the Saturday morning staff can't do their job to save their life. I opened today with this girl Jenna. She's 21, only a few months younger than me, and yet I feel like I also have to babysit her. I'm constantly telling her not to run with the kids. When you have 30+ kids in a relatively small room, ranging from 6weeks to 10 years, running is dangerous. She encourages the older boys to wrestle each other, even when they're mere inches from babies who are barely able to stand. I wanted to rip my hair out. Luckily two more people came in at 9 so it was only the two of us for an hour. Plus, it didn't get too busy until 10 so it was a rather quiet morning. Then all hell broke lose. We had an absurd amount of older kids, and one in particular was causing trouble. His name's Kyle and he's 9. He's really rough and one of those kids who tries his best to test you to see what he can get away with. Every time he comes in we have to put up the playground balls because he throws them as hard as he can agasint the wall and frequently hits kids. Today he started jumping to try to reach them and knocked a huge bucket of blocks down and blamed us for getting hit in the head. Dumbass. Yes, I just called a nine-year-old a dumbass. Sue me. Luckily he didn't stay too long. Unfortunately, most of the other older kids did, and they were rougher than usual. Nobody got hurt, mostly because me and another woman were running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to be everywhere at once because the other two weren't paying attention. It's a problem with these two and my supervisor knows it. She's working on fixing it, but for the time being, it sucks. At 12, when I was supposed to leave, we were still pretty busy. Jenna (the annoying girl who opened with me) said she had to leave so I offered to stay. My boss wasn't feling well and one of the other ladies there is incompetant. I figured I'd get out by 12:30. Ha. I feel stupid. At 12:30 a kid threw up in a bucket of legos, then dumped that bucket into our big bucket of toys. Guess what we do when something like that happens? We was all the toys. It took 45 minutes. I didn't clock out until 1:20. I wanted to cry. I'm only supposed to work 8-12, but I doubt that will ever happen. I'm 8-1 at least. Blah.
Sorry for the rant. It was a long day.
I went bowling with my dad, brother, and sister today. It was fun. We bowled 4 games. I broke 100 in 3 of them. I was proud. I usually suck at bowling. Plus, with the package we got, we got a free large bucket of popcorn and a pitcher of Coke. Whoo. Afterwards we rented Ladder 49. Has anyone seen it? I'm about to go watch it. I hope it's good. I've heard good things about it.
I told my dad I was thinking of moving in with him soon. Living with my mother isn't working out. I miss my apartment...the freedom and everything. Plus I don't get along with the woman at all. I need more money so I can live on my own again. Moving back home sucked. Dad said he'd be fine with me moving in with him. He told me his girlfriend's moving in next month. That's cool though. She's sweet and hey, I think moving to his place would be better for my mental health as well. I'm always so depressed whenever I talk to my mother. She never has anything good to say to me.
Well I'd better go. I'm going to eat dinner and watch the movie. I hope everyone has a good evening/weekend/whatever ;)