- Eat breakfast, genius (15 mins)
- Send SK notes on script
- get borscht makings
- start borscht
- spend an hour looking for a day-jobby thing.
- Go for a walk. (at least 45 mins) NO WALK TODAY, DUE TO HOWLING WIND AND RAIN
- Write, switching projects if you want (at least 2 hrs)
- Make list of principal/commercial agents you want to approach once you have your package together next week (1/2 hr)
- Contact one or two more background agents, see what material they need (1/2 hr)
- Fart around with wordpress so you can finally get your self-promo webpage together enough to publish (1-1.5 hrs)
- Do something social (...let's be honest, this is optional)
- Research feasibility of volunteering to walk greyhounds (1/2 hr) Feasibility stinks unfortunately. The only greyhound rescue I can find in Toronto is way on the other side of the city, and out past the subway line. I'll have to look into this further...
ALSO: Finally got my acting reel ready to go. Now all that stands between me and an agent is my pounding the pavement to find one.. Check it out:
Click to view