Title: Seven days/003-fair
Character: Bai Tza
Warnings: Vague mentions of murder.
Pairings: N/A
Your character's fandom: Jackie Chan Adventures
Word count: 574
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, honest!
“This isn’t fair!” She screams at the shocked children when she wakes up in a disgusting new human shape on the first day- no tail, no water at her fingertips just… Just stupid legs and far too soft skin “send me back, or else you’ll die.”
The children just stare at each other and giggle in a slightly scared way, and then leave her to glare at them from the floor; clutching her chest to keep her pathetic little heartbeat there… Her pathetic little human heart, it’s almost enough to make her scream at the sky and curse her luck.
This never would’ve happened to Po Kong.
On the second day she has to learn to walk, and failing that how to land without opening cuts with red (red) blood that seeps; she falls several times and the children giggle at her mindlessly- it is dusk before she finally manages to walk around the room without tripping and she almost feels proud of herself for a few moments.
She still wishes that she could be a demon again though.
On the third day they finally bring her food and she devours it; it tastes strange and burns on her tongue but at least it fills her; she remembers her demon days where she didn’t need food as long as she kept moving… And she almost lets the tears start then but just restrains herself. She is still a demon after all.
On the fourth day the children leave her to visit some place, not that she actually pays any attention, they tell her to be good… And the moment they leave it starts raining; big droplets that hit the windows and make the house groan. She hangs out of the children’s bedroom and allows the water to drench her- directing water as she does so.
At least she still has some powers.
On the fifth day she starts to sing- she’s always loved to sing but being around her siblings for many years has stopped her from using her voice (a thought crosses her mind that perhaps this is one bonus of being human but she quickly discards it. There are no bonuses to this pathetic state); when she stops the children are fast asleep and she notices, without distraction, that the window is big enough to get a human through.
She starts to form a plan.
The sixth day is one of waiting; it rains again but this time thunder comes along with it and she remembers her siblings- wonders if they’ve even missed her and has to curl up in a ball in the corner of her room and wait for the children to get back… Her time will come soon, and then she can figure out what to do after she’s free.
On the seventh day she sings again and lulls the children into sleep; she half contemplates slitting their throats while they sleep but a spark of gut wrenching feeling screams out at her and so she leaves them, slipping out of the window and sliding down to the wet grass below… At least it is raining again, that’ll make things far easier.
So she starts to walk away, and then starts to run… She trips and falls a few times but at least she is free, at least she has a chance of getting her own perfect form back.
It isn’t fair but it’ll have to do for now.