Anyone can participate in the Prompts Table. This is an ongoing challenge that can work as either a drop in point to get ideas for a one-off project to fill in idle time or help break a writing block. Or it can be a series of challenges by picking a number of prompts and filling them within a set time (ie. 5 in a week, 25 in a month, 100 in a year). Your fills can be themed (ie. a pairing, certain POV or even forming story lines) or separate pieces with no relation to each other. It's really up to you.
-Prompts can be filled in any medium. Fic, poems, images, photos - feel free to get creative!
-All fills must be labelled in the following manner:
Title: Tide of Summer
Artist/Author: Yuuko_fan
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character(s): Yuuko, Watanuki, Doumeki, Himawari
Prompt: # 027. Fireworks
Medium: Illustration
with the fill under an LJ cut. Go
here if you need help with LJ cuts.
-You can use a fake cut to your journal as long as your post isn't friends locked. If your fill is image-heavy, this might be good idea.
-Please leave your the details of your challenge (ie. number of prompts to be completed and the time frame) so you can be cheered on. Those who meet their goals will be rewarded with a badge to stick on their profile :)
100 Prompts #1
001. Promise 002. Red 003. Bento 004. Silk 005. Embrace
006. Disgrace 007. Kami 008. Fox 009. Dream 010. Sakura
011. Waiting 012. Time 013. Payment 014. Anger 015. Unfinished
016. Mistake 017. Sake 018. Offering 019. Fur 020. Geisha
021. Smoke 022. Chocolate 023. Bakemono 024. Change 025. Blood
026. Spring 027. Fireworks 028. Undercurrents 029. Tart 030. Companionship
031. Temptation 032. Skin 033. Hidden 034. Flail 035. Tyrant
036. Leave 037. Luck 038. Covet 039. Reunion 040. Divide
041. Child 042. Wisdom 043. Reality 044. Kimono 045. Game
046. Persecution 047. Rare 048. Hamaya 049. Shop 050. Temple
051. Tokyo 052. Wish 053. Granted 054. Eye 055. Home
056. Friendship 057. Cleaning 058. Seasonal 059. Meal 060. Jealousy
061. Outsider 062. Spider 063. Alternate 064. Consolation 065. Liquor
066. Domestic 067. Acid 068. Sushi 069. Water 070. Break
071. Snow 072. Consideration 073. Betrayal 074. Seed 075. Treasure
076. Letter 077. Possession 078. Sutra 079. Speculation 080. Bird
081. Loyalty 082. Lesson 083. Customer 084. Kindness 085. Mah-jong
086. Warmth 087. Hate 088. Curse 089. Transform 090. New
091. Choice 092. Shoji 093. Sleep 094. Love 095. Protect
096. Tie 097. Coincidence 098. Travel 099. Age 100. Power
A proper table will be up shortly. But for now, feel free to look over the prompts.
More Prompts coming soon ;D