finally california matters.

Feb 04, 2008 21:58

Get out and vote on...

**TUESDAY FEB. 5th: California Primary

click here to find your polling place

**The voting booths are open from 7AM - 8PM.

if you are unsure which address you are registered under in the city,
you can always vote at city hallthe voting room is on the basement level in city hall. the guards at ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

fagcunt February 5 2008, 19:14:27 UTC
Sorry I flaked on Monday, but I had already gone to when you called. I was worried I was registered as Green, but it turns out I'm a Dem! I almost cried after I'd voted, it made me so happy to imagine having a woman black president. I'll for sure help i in the general election!

Although Obama may not need the help, I guess Mcain's been calling people gooks again.

I'm talking like he's already won, I sure hope I'm right!


fagcunt February 5 2008, 19:15:50 UTC
I meant to say 'already gone to yoga'


missteps February 6 2008, 13:29:12 UTC
man, at first I was so bummed Obama lost California. But I was looking at BBC and this figure shows a scenarios where it really shows Obama sort of closing the gap. So I am still very optimistic!


missteps February 6 2008, 13:29:44 UTC



mao February 6 2008, 15:38:36 UTC
Yeah, there's no clear winner and probably won't be for a while. Aah, why do they do this to us??


hunglikeahorse February 7 2008, 02:54:18 UTC
yeah, it's really complicated. the only real loss here was the psychological impact of losing the bigger states. in terms of sheer votes and delegates, they more or less tied. he did extraordinarily well considering what he was up against: an insanely compressed time schedule, across 22 states, against probably the most established political entity in the democratic party. it's a testament to the kind of candidate that he is. so it was only a loss in the sense that he wasn't quite able to live up the extreme hype that had been generated. people with realistic expectations got realistic results. he still has a chance, especially since he does considerably better when he has more time to connect with people in a given state (or a few states).

on a personal level, i had just wished that our state of california would be in his winning column. but of course, san francisco was.


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