People. Please. Get your shit together.
We have PEOPLE IN AUTHORITY trying to legalize murder for doctors who perform abortions. Now, I don't care if you support it or not, but killing doctors who perform one a WILLING would-be mother would still become a free-kill. Indiana is at the edges of banning gay marriage. Really? Why are people so against this? If gays and lesbians want to wed, whoopty freaking do. DURRR I R SCARED is NOT a valid arguement.
We have tons of educational material out there, easily available and FREE. Local libraries, wikipedia, google, etc. And yet people still remain WILLINGLY ignorant on a LOT of stuff. And these lazy dumbass freeriders whine and complain when others won't pay for their laziness. Or stop putting forth the effort at work with the expectation that they'll be able to "sit on the beach and collect unemployment." Seriously? Get your ass to work. You're capable. Don't waste it.
News Media! Lindsay Lohan hasn't done anything worthwhile in a LONG time. Stop talking about her, and focus more on REAL news. Like the protests in Bahrain. Or how we're doing in the 'war against terror.' And there's an angsty Alabama University fan who poisoned a 130 year old tree on Auburn's campus. Even after living in Alabama for a year, I still couldn't give a single fuck about either side. But for someone to think they're mighty enough to POISON a tree that's OVER 9,000 days old..... I really don't know what to say.
The more stuff like this I see, hear, or read about, the more I believe that something.... SOMETHING.... is going to happen in 2012. I think it's going to be a breaking point for a lot of people.