Title: Leave me alone
Author: hunter_in_train
Claim: Jake Jensen/Carlos ‘Cougar’ Alvarez
Table: DIY
Prompt: Leave me alone
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Boy kissing, Language
Notes: Not mine don’t own them
Cougar of all people found out first. He told Pooch who called Jolene to check to be certain. When she tearfully told them it was true, they told Clay. Jensen’s niece had been killed. She was in a car wreck and didn’t make it. The guy that hit the car she was in was drunk. It he wasn’t dead Clay was going to make damn sure he was. He was certain that he wouldn’t be the only ones. That was unless Jolene beat them to it. She could be just as scary as any of them, and she was very attached to Jensen’s niece and sister.
No one knew how to tell Jensen. He was out with Aisha doing recon. It was decided that Clay would tell Jensen, but Cougar wouldn’t be that far away. This was going to be bad and they all knew it.
When Jensen came back, he knew immediately that something was wrong. Thinking of Pooch’s new baby, Jensen fired about ten questions at Pooch about Jolene and the baby in about thirty seconds. That really didn’t make anyone feel better about what they were about to tell him. Clay pulled Jensen in another room to tell him the terrible news. Pooch pulled Aisha aside to tell her while Cougar waited by the door.
They were expecting Jensen to make a lot of noise, maybe even break something. So after twenty minutes and they still hadn’t heard anything they weren’t sure if Clay actually told him. When Clay came out, the look on his face said it all.
When Cougar when in to check on Jensen, he found the room empty and the window opened. He cursed under his breath. Clay saw it too and ran a hand down his face. He told Pooch and Cougar to find him before he did anything stupid. It didn’t take long. He was in the bar down the street, with a bottle of tequila and the picture from his wallet. Cougar sat next to him. He took the bottle and poured himself a shot and downed it.
All of a sudden, Jensen snapped. He picked up the bottle and threw it against the wall with a cry of anguish. He knocked everything off the bar and started swinging at everyone around him. Cougar put himself between Jensen and the other patrons at the bar. Jensen swung at him and punched him in the face. The punch broke his nose but Cougar stood his ground. He wrapped his arms around Jensen, who continued to struggle and lash out. He threw a glass that barely missed Pooch’s head; who had come in to see what all the noise was about.
Cougar managed to get Jensen out of the bar and into the alley; Pooch not that far behind them. Jensen managed to break free of Cougars grip and ran down the alley. When he brick wall he furiously started to punch at it, sobs ripping from his throat. Pooch went to stop him but Cougar stopped him. Jensen needed to do this for himself. If he kept it inside it would just eat at him.
After a few moments Jensen sank to the ground sobbing. Cougar was at his side in an instant, wrapping him tightly in his arms. Jensen buried his face in Cougar’s chest and sobbed harder. Cougar kissed the top of his head.
“Está bien el amor... Estoy aquí.”
It didn’t matter that Jensen almost destroyed a bar or that he hit Cougar several times and might even had broken Cougar’s nose. Jensen was in pain and he needed Cougar. Pooch sat down next to them offering his silent support. They would help get Jensen through this…and make the son of a bitch pay for hurting one of their own.