Here it is 100 things about me. you want to realy know who I am well hre it is.
1. I am 25
2. I have red hair, and I hate it so that is y I die it all the time.
3. right now I have bleach blond highlights
4. I have haz eyes, which change with my mood.
5. I wear contacts, even though everyone thinks I look better with my glasses
6. I need to loss some fat, even though everyone think that I am skinny
7. I am like 6’4”
8. I am very pale, I some what tan, but most of the time I burn then can get a tan
9. I love being out doors, though I work to much now so I don’t get out as much as I would like
10. I love taking pictures, I rather use my SLR, but use my digital for some stuff just because it is easier to post on line
11. I would love to learn more about photography
12. Snowboarding is my release, I feel total free when I am out there. I sort out a lot of stuff that is on my mind. It is also what I do when I can not get no loving.
13. I rather go out snow boarding with my friends, because they push me. So that way I keep on getting better.
14. I use to be a ski racer, but my best friend got killed from it and I screwed up my knees. It gave me a fear of it, so I stopped doing it.
15. My knee surgery was one of the scariest things in my life, I did not know if I would be the same again. Or be able to ski or snow board
16. Since my knee surgery I have been scared to ski, I want to go out once this winter. But I keep on going snowboarding
17. I kind of push my self a lot. Like it was only 8 weeks after my knee surgery when I tried to snow board again. Or like working 3 jobs and running my self to the point I am sick.
18. I think too much, I try to look at every thing from every point of view. This keeps me up at night. Once I have some thing on my mind, I can not drop the thoughts easily.
19. I really don’t sleep enough
20. I am a big flirt, I love doing it, but most of the time I don’t know I am doing it.
21. I like to bite and nibble on girls neck
22. I like making weird noises, just because.
23. When I am happy I am supper hyper.
24. When something is bother me, I try to escape, like with snow boarding, skating, or just going out door. To be able to think. Once I have it all thought out in my head, then I will confront it
25. I will not stand down to confutation. I am not a fighter, I rather use my brain. And have them back down. But if I need to fight, I will only do it if it is some thing I full believe in.
26. I follow my heart, even though it I do not always show it.
27. Most people never get to really know me. I have an Ice persona that is show to most. This is because I have a major issue with trust. I have been hurt a lot. And have lost too many friends. So I don’t let a lot of people in to my life.
28. My family and friends our the most important thing in my life. With out them I would not be who I am today. Who know with out them I don’t think I still would be here.
29. I have a chemical imbalance; I use to take meds for it. And some point I still do. But I have leered how to control it in other ways.
30. My biggest fears are Love all aspects of it, Loss, not like death to me death is just a new beginning. But loss as in losing friends or loved ones. And maggots, they just my skin curl even thinking about them. I also fear being alone. I like time to my self, but most of the time I would rather be out with friends, or with the one I love.
31. I dream a lot. A lot of my dreams are more like visions. About past life’s, and stuff to come. This scares the crap out of me. I have woken up from my dream with scratches, burses and other injuries from them. This I can not explain how I get them. Also the dream about what is to come scares me, because I don’t know if what I do in the weeks to come I make them happen. I am always having the feeling deja vue.
32. There has been one girl that has been in my dream as long as I can remember, I have been searching for her for ever, and well I now have her in my life.
33. I love going to the beach, but I rather go at night or sunset.
34. I like to cuddle, like at the beach at night b a big fire, and just watching the stars.
35. I really do not like the sun, yes it makes me feel alive, but my eyes are overly sensitive to light. So I always have sunglasses on.
36. For some reason at right after sun set I feel wiped out. I have no clue y. but I feel like I just want to take a nap.
37. I love watching the sun rise. Every day I get to see it on the way to work over the ocean.
38. One of my fav places I have ever been is up in Stowe VT, right by the ski resort there is a state park. On one of the hiking trails it goes by a river, when I am up there and sit by a water fall. It is so relaxing.
39. I love to read, I want to learn as much as I can. I read about a lot of stuff, from history, manly about, pirates, knight, mid evil stuff. Fantasy type stuff, and some romance stuff
40. I am a hopeless romantic. I rather just sit and talk with the one then to fool around. Or ever just sit there looking into each other eyes.
41. I believe your eyes will always tell the truth, eyes are the window to the soul. There is nothing better then seeing the sparkle of love in some one eyes.
42. I love spoil my friends. I always try to pay for girls when I am out with them
43. I like sending rose and getting them. It drives me crazy when I get ones from anonymous people. Most of the time I can guess who it is from. Or I can get it out of the rose girl.
44. I never doubt my feeling, I don’t doubt other feeling, but it is nice to also hear it from them.
45. I collect sword and med- evil weapons. Also ren garb.
46. Ren faire is the best thing. It is an escape from reality. You can be who you wish to be.
47. it is good to be a rouge, if you don’t get this line think of Mel Brooks, Men In Tights, the line it’s good to be the king…
48. I love movies. I get like 2 DVD a week. I watch all type of movies. My favorites are any thing to deal with Renaissance, med-evil, Vampires or fantasy. I also like horror movies. But it is also great to be able to watch a romantic move with some one to cuddle up with.
49. Most people think I am weird, freak, or just a dork. Also some see me as a metro sexual. And I am all, I don’t like to fix in the box or normality. I like to just be my self
50. I hold grudges, I don’t show it. But in side they are there. Most of the time I do not do anything, If I do anything I plot my revenge out to the smallest detail.
51. My biggest hero is my mom, she has lived threw a lot of stuff, cancer, losing a lot of family member, like my sister. She has gone out of her way in a lot of ways; she worked 2 jobs just to be able to give me everything I ever wanted. She adopted 3 other kids before me. I am the only real child. There is a lot more to this, but I am not going to go into it now
52. I have a lot of piercing, well use to I have 4 left ears, and nipple open, I use to have 7 left ear. 2 right ear, tong and both nipple.
53. I have 5 tattoo, all tell a story about me, and I have 5 more drawn up that I want, but by the time I get them there will be more.
54. I am a writer; some of it I think is great. But it is all part of me. The only time I write is when I am feeling happy, sad, or in love.
55. I use to act, I loved it, but I F-up my vocal cord, so I stopped. I have only done one show since then. But now I work teck. Or in the costing for the company I work for.
56. I still love my X fiancé, but I could never be with her. She destroyed me, and tried to make me into some thing I was not.
57. I really need to thank all my X girl friends for messing me up in my head. Manly Jamie, Charissa, and Jackie. Ask me and I will tell you what happen.
58. I am some what OCD, manly at work. It drives me crazy at points.
59. When I am nerves I bite my lips and chew on my nails. I also start to bounce. When some thing is bothering me I crack my hand a lot.
60. I love to draw. I use to very good at it but then I broke my hand. I still draw some. But it kills me when it does not come out the way I want it.
61. I love music; I listen to just about every thing, what ever my mood is.
62. I dress how I feel. I rather have a pair of baggie jeans and a hoody on. But some time I like to dress up, and look preppy
63. I have a photographic memory, I never really use it for school, but I remember a lot of weird stuff to the smallest detail
64. I am Irish, French, Dutch, German, and Polish. I do not admit most of the time to the polish side.
65. I Love my moms side of my family, I do not talk to my Dads side, my dads father has said stuff that I have not like, and then he tried to mess with my trust fund. And I have not talked to them in almost three year. But this month I will have to see them at a family wedding, I am not looking forward to it
66. I had 3 sister, all are older then me. I am very close with Critter, and Sue. I was not close with Jenn, and now I feel bad about that since she passed away Dec, 3- 04
67. I believe in ghost, and have seen them.
68. I don’t know what to believe in about faith. I have read every thing I could about them, so basically I follow my own beliefs
69. I use to eat way too much junk food, now I don’t eat like any. The only bad think I still enjoy is soda
70. I use to be a player, I sue to use girl and play mind games with them, now I feel bad for what I did. And could not do it again. The only thing I want to do now is just make her happy and would do any thing to do so.
71. I like going for long car drives to clear my thought. When I am out I blast music. Like Linkin Park. Just to try to get some of it out of my system.
72. I love the rain. I could just sit out in it all day. It just makes me feel renewed
73. I love my job, but I don’t know if I want to do it for the rest of my life.
74. I trust very few people with my whole life, Joe, Chizzik, Erin, Amanda, and Lizz. And I would do any thing for these people.
75. I use to be a ski and snow board instructor, that was one of the best times of my life. We had such a great group of friends there, but now I only know wee 2 of them are.
76. I don’t like having burned bridges after relationship. I am friends with all of my x girl friends. All but one Kera and I did not start the fight. I am not the reason of what it was about. But I am willing to take the fault just to get her back as a friend. She was one of my closes friends, and I miss what we had.
77. I believe Love will triumph all. If it is meant to be. It will happen
78. I am always warm, it can be like 10deg out an I will go out in shorts and a t-shirt.
79. I want to go to Ireland, the Caribbean, and Outer Banks down in NC. I also would like to see all 50 states, I am up to 28. And will get like 5 more this year.
80. I want to own a horse. I use to go riding when I was back in high school, but have not been on one sense then.
81. My family has always had pets, right now we only have one dog, but we want to get one more. I have not let my self get attached to a pet since Cindy my golden retriever died, back when I was in high school.
82. I want a pet bird also, not some small one, but like a macaw.
83. My dream car is a Jeep wrangler, with lift kit and set up for off roading
84. I worry too much about my friends. But this I think is good thing.
85. I try to always be there for my friends, just like I know they will be there for me.
86. I miss going out mountain biking every day with Joe. I use to be in so much better shape back then
87. I spend to much time on my comp. but it is the easiest way to talk with all my friends
88. I can not wait for Ren faire to start up again. to be able to run with the rest of the P.A.R.F.ers
89. I have changed a lot in the last year; I do not want to become what I use to be. In the last year, I have finally realized that I am happy with who I am.
90. I believe there are different types of love, Friendship, family, some time one person can be both. And True Love, true love is the most powerful thing in the world.
91. I have put to many friends and family in the ground in my life. I HATE FUNARALS
92. I hate saying good bye.
93. I hate going to bed with thing unsettled, like after a fight and nothing is fixed. I can not sleep.
94. I will admit that I do cry. Not many things can make me cry but some thing do.
95. I have very little feeling in most of my body because of ski racing. I have learned how to shut of most of my body
96. I love Celtic jewelry
97. I am an e-bay junky
98. I love to cook; I use to be chef, and burned out of it. But I am starting to enjoy cooking again
99. This was one of the hardest things I have tried to do.
100. I love some one so much right now and would do anything for her
With Hope,
Lost knight of Your Heart