
Mar 10, 2010 20:13

.the mundane;
» Name:Jen
» Journal: halrelio
» Contact: Psychobabblingx
» How did you find us?: (

.the myth;
» God(dess): Orion
» Reference:,,
» Family: {mother & father}Poseidon and Euryale{spouse} None
» Played By: David Wenham
» Human Alias: Josh Huntington
» Human Age: 34
» God of...: Nothing, not a god.
» Flair: Enhanced senses: All five of his senses are heightened. For example, even if he cannot hear a person sneaking up behind him, if the person is wearing cologne or took a shower that morning and used soap or a body wash with a scent, he can pick up on that if he focuses on his surroundings.
» Flair Type: Continuous
» Fitting in: Biology teacher at Trinity high and the leader of a local hunting club.
» Weakness: Orion is not a person who enjoys being by himself. If he is alone for too long he begins to grow restless and lonely. So much so that after his death, Artemis did not want him to be lonely so his dog was placed up in the stars with him. Whenever he went out hunting, he was always happiest and at his best when he was with another. Having a person beside him gives him a sense of harmony and inner peace.

The type of companionship he seeks out the most is romantic. A good deal of his myth is centered around his relationships with women. There are the accounts of his time with Eos, Side, the Pleiades, Merope, and Artemis. He does not need loud declarations of love but a simple gesture, like a hand over his hand, makes him happy. Whoever he is with, he is very devoted to at the time and is only interested in them. He expects the same of anyone who is with him. If he feels like he is being neglected by a lover, he starts to become with drawn and despondent. When he gets like this, he finds little to no pleasure in anything other than hunting and even that is not as enjoyable as it normally is. The longer the situation draws out, the worst his mood gets. One of the coping mechanisms he has used in the past is alcohol. Once alcohol is added into the mixture, he becomes aggressive and forceful.

There are two consistent incidents of Orion chasing after a woman who was not interested in him to some degree (in another myth, it is said that he tried to rape an attending of Artemis but that is one of the lesser myths surrounding his death). The first of which being the incident with the Pleiades. When Orion first saw them, he fell in love with their beauty and grace. He chased after them for quite some time and while he was frustrated, no harm was brought to them. A skilled hunter like Orion could have shot them with his bow but under normal circumstances he would never want to harm anyone so beautiful. Eventually Zeus placed the Pleiades up into the stars. Then there is the incident with Merope, daughter of Oenopion. Orion fell in love with her and was set to marry her. When her father refused him, Orion felt so miserable that he drowned his sorrows in alcohol. The alcohol ignited a sense of entitlement and anger in him. Later that night he went and forced himself on Merope. Since this incident, Orion has tried to stay away from alcohol. It is a source of guilt for him, after wards he never sought her out again (this Merope should not be mistaken with the Pleiades Merope who he later chases). Usually he either gets over his feelings of neglect when his lover pays him the attention he thinks he deserves or he finds himself a new lover.

Above all else however, Orion loves to hunt. When it comes to hunting he wants to be the very best. In order to be the best he needs to compete with the best and never take things easy with his training. This has caused Orion to become very competitive. There is no such thing as a friendly competition to Orion when it comes to hunting. If someone is going to train with him, he wants them to give it their all. Other wise he sees it as a waste of his time. If he allowed himself to train with half hearted people, it would cause his hunting skills to start to delude. His obsession with hunting is something that transcends death. When he was placed up on the stars, he was given club and his armor to hunt with.

» History: Small disclaimer: Orion has -a lot- of different myths surrounding. Poor guy has at least 5 different myths surrounding his death. There are different accounts of his birth, what happened with Merope, and the Pleiades. I have gone with the myths that seem to fit together the best. In the words of Jackie, ‘he’s another choose your own adventure character’.

Orion was born in Boetia to the sea god Posiedon and Euryale, the daughter of King Minos of Crete. As an adult, Orion traveled to the island of Chios where he met Merope. While he was there he cleared the island of all of its dangerous beasts and he assumed he would be awarded Merope for his efforts. Instead he was invited to a banquet but he was not given Merope. This caused Orion a great deal of bitterness and he turned to alcohol as a way to help him cope. Unfortunately as wine often did in ancient Greek times, it brought out his more chaotic side. Later that night he broke into the princess’ chambers and forced himself on him. This lead to Merope’s father sneaking up on him after he had passed out from all of the wine he had consumed and the king plucked his eyes out.

After losing his eyes and being banished from the Island, Orion headed north to the island of Lemnos where Hephaestus had his forge. The forge god gave him his assistant Cedalion, to act as his eyes. While Orion was grateful, he did not want to have to rely on another for the rest of his life. In time he came across an oracle who told him that if he headed towards the sun, the rays would heal his eyes. Orion set out to do that the next morning and when he reached the sun, the oracles words rang true. His sight was restored and the first thing he saw when his vision came back to him was the beautiful Eos. The two were lovers for quite some time. Unfortunately Eos’ curse made it impossible for their bliss to last.

After his relationship with Eos was over, he traveled for some time. During his travels he met a beautiful nymph named Side. The two fell in love and he fathered two children with her. For one reason or another, things did not work out and Orion took off again. By now he was tired of traveling and he wanted to settle down and find a place where he could hunt. Eventually he settled on one of the islands that falls under the Goddess Artemis’ domain. The two became hunting companions and Orion had never been happier because he found someone who could truly challenge him in hunting. His skill in hunting increased 10 fold and he found himself becoming very fond of the Goddess. Unfortunately her twin brother, Apollo, was not fond of what was happening. One day Apollo pointed out a black spot in the sea and taunted his sister, saying that she could not hit it. Artemis picked up her bow and aimed at the black spot. Her aim was perfect, unfortunately the black dot turned out to be Orion’s head. It is from this point that Cronus snatched up Orion and brought him to the complex.

» Personality:
When it comes to his temper, it’s like a slow burn. His frustration slowly builds up and becomes more intense over time. Rarely does it ever end in an explosion, most of the time it ends with him confronting whoever it is or whatever it is that is infuriating. Once the issue has been dealt with or at least he attempted to deal with it, he moves on. Take for example what happened with Merope’s father. The man plucked out Orion’s eyeballs, which left him blind for quite some time. After his sight was restored, he went to confront the King and found that he was locked up in a bronze house. While many would wait around and plot out their revenge, Orion moved on. When Zeus put the Pleiades up in the sky, he didn’t curse the god’s name or ask his father to interfere. Once again he shrugged it off and moved on with his life.

Whenever he does confront someone or has something to say, he says it in as few words as possible. Orion is very to the point. He doesn’t have time for games nor has he any interest in gaining any leverage over a person. If he senses that someone is trying to gain leverage over him or play a game with him, he’s likely to drop the conversation all together. It doesn’t matter to him if someone considers that a victory for his or herself or thinks he is cowardly because he is trying to run away from a fight. Manipulation is not something he wants to have anything to do with. While he is not a god, Orion has spent quite a bit of time around heavenly creatures. He has observed what has happened when someone runs their mouth for too long or when words are used as a weapon. Thanks but no thanks. In the company of those who he trusts, he is more inclined to be more wordy but even then, unless it is something of dire importance, he’s still inclined to keep it short.

When it comes down to it, he likes to keep things simple. Hunting appeals to him because it’s him, his weapon, and the creature who he is fighting. No outside forces, no dire consequences that will effect the world. It’s either he will become a part of the earth or the animal will. He also likes how it allows him to connect with nature. While out hunting, he spends a lot of time in the woods and around rivers. It puts his mind at ease and in the peaceful surroundings he can harmonize with the world around him. Other than love, in his mind this is one of the greatest experiences a mortal or a immortal can go through. The only gift he ever wanted from his father was the ability to walk on water. He never asked to rule any countries or have great power to take anything he wanted. Orion finds pleasure in the simpler things in life. Give him a woman to love, a club to hunt with, and a woods to explore and he is happy.

The way he forms bonds with people can be seen as ‘simple’ as well. To him, you either trust and care for a person or you do not. That is why it is so important him to feel loved and adored. There shouldn’t be any complications. There shouldn’t be something else that is so important in a person’s life that they neglect the person they supposedly care for the most. Whether it be a friend, family, or a lover, Orion is generally loyal to them and will go out of his way to help them out with any task, whenever they need him to. Even when the friendship comes to an end or the relationship runs it’s course, he will help the person whenever he can, since he is not likely to hold a grudge against them. He might not go out of his way like he once would but he would not turn his back on the person entirely unless they did something horrific.

» Sample Journal:

My headache has finally gone away. I have been here for two days but the pain in my head made it impossible for me to use this machine.

Who else is here? Lady Artemis?

» Sample Roleplay:

It was like someone had clicked the ‘off button’ for sound in the world and movement. Everything in the world began to fade away except for himself and the animal in front of him. The buck was a huge creature, it was the kind of buck that most people only saw once in their entire hunting career. It was the kind of buck that if you were able to shoot it, your story would be told in all of the local bars and your picture with the antlers would be posted in all of the bars as well.

That didn’t matter to Orion. What mattered to him was making this shot, proving to himself that while he was in his mortal body, that did not dampen his skills. It took him some time but he had become adjusted to the new technology mortal used. There was a time when he could wrestle animals with his bare hands or with his club. Now he was glad that he had spent quite a but of time using a bow as well. Other wise the gun in his hand would feel much more awkward. The days of wrestling with wild animals was gone, his new body wouldn’t allow that. However, his senses were still in tact. He could see the deer clearly.

The buck raised his head and began to look around. Some other hunters were near by. The muscles in the buck’s body began to tense up and it took on an aggressive stance. It was getting ready to either fight or flee. Which meant that it was time for him to take the shot. Breath in. Breath out.

Click. Click. Boom.

The buck collapsed over in a pile. Blood trickled out from underneath it. The bullet had hit it’s mark, the animal was dead. Whenever he hunted an animal he did not want it to suffer. If anyone hunted him, he would ask for the same mercy. The group of hunters who were near by caught up with Orion and looked shocked. All at once they began to ask him how he managed to pull this off but all he did was shrug his shoulders and make his way over to the carcass.
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