Mar 04, 2007 16:48
Prompt 11: "Are we really in control of our lives?"
I’m a firm believer that I’m in control of my life and that people have a responsibility to themselves and to the life they’re living.
Bad shit happens and we don’t always get what we want and sometimes we’re given a nudge but at the end of the day the only people that can make a difference in our lives is ourselves.
You could get screwed over and bitch and whine about it or you could take a hold of the bull by its horns and deal with the situation - make something happen for you. You could pass blame onto someone else or you could take a real hard look at your life and figure out what you did or didn’t do to get where you want to be. You could even accept some weird fucked up version of the truth but it only has value if you believe in it. I’m a great advocate for reading between the lines.
Some people are luckier than others and have everything they ever could have wanted or needed but half the time they don’t even appreciate what they have and act as if the world is coming to an end. Like the world’s hit them with the ‘fuck-me’ stick over and over again when all life’s ever done is give them everything. Sometimes it’s the people with less to lose that are the ones who figure that life’s getting away from them and they’re powerless to do anything about it.
Life is what it is and you’re in control of what you choose to believe, how you choose to feel, and how you choose to behave. Maybe we’re not always in control of events but we’re damn well in control of how we deal with those events.
It’s your life; take some damn responsibility for it.
Muse : Dean Winchester
Fandom : Supernatural
Word Count : 305
muse manifesto